Sunday 10 July 2016

The End....

Well this is it, the last "Hurrah!" I've decided writing this post has become a chore to me. I absolutely love writing, but this doesn't make me happy. I thought perhaps writing a blog would keep me on track, keep me motivated... and to some extent it did help. However, when I looked back on the weight loss for the past six weeks, I have actually gained one pound... Not exactly what I'd call performance! This needs to be less about you motivating me and more about me taking responsibility for my own actions. 

This needs to be a life long change, and I am not about to write this blog forever, so this is the end my friends... I will update on Facebook now and then and I am sure my Hubby will share my updates with his friends as well. You never know, I may also add to this blog every now and then if the mood strikes and I have some big, or little news to share. :)

A HUGE thanks to those who have encouraged and offered advise. It will not be forgotten... <3 

Oh, and one last weight update... I gained .2 of a lb this week. Not bad all things considered! 

Here's to a happy & healthy future for all of us! xo

Sunday 3 July 2016

Set It Free...

You must have heard of the saying, "Set it free, and if it comes back to you, it was meant to be..." Yeah; well, apparently that same dumb ass saying applies to pounds too! Last week I was SO pleased with myself for losing exactly 4 lbs, and would you like to take a wild guess at what I gained this week? Yup, exactly 4 friggin' pounds! Lately this feels like a dance... Off one week, and back on the next! Not that it's anyone's fault but my own of course... 

Remember that lobster I was trying to decide what to do with last week? Well, I turned it into a lobster dip, and I'm the only one who eats lobster in this house... so I ate it all. Of course with dip comes chips, and I kind of ate all of them too... To be honest, last week was a complete crap show from the very start! I had nachos two nights (one being leftovers), and I ate at Midtown Tavern before the Tattoo Thursday night, and on Friday I had a big ice-cream cone, last night I had cotton candy... and the list goes on... and on... Now I truly can't say I regret the dip & chips because I won't see lobster again for at least six months. However, I could have done without the rest. I especially could have done without the night spent on the couch last night with severe heartburn due to leftover nachos and cotton candy...  Payback really IS a bitch! :(

Like I said earlier, I seem to be hovering up and down in the same spot. It all comes down to lack of energy and will power. I felt like things were turning around last week and when I got weighed I was so excited and revved up again when I had lost 4 lbs. I wish I could have bottled that feeling and been able to take it out when faced with choices I shouldn't have made!!! It bums me out that I feel like crap today because I lost all that ground... makes me want to throw in the towel... but I won't! 

I told Hubby today that we need to start walking this week in the evenings. He has been bouncing too and I don't think is feeling really great about himself either. Unfortunately neither of us is strong willed and I admit to being the one to usually drag him down with me... 

You know what, if reading this is bumming you out as much as it's bumming me out writing it, I apologize! I think I need to change the blog up a bit. It's boring! I will either end it, or find a way to enjoy writing it again... Stay tuned! 

Sunday 26 June 2016

Now That's More Like It!

HA, take that fat!!! I am down exactly 4 lbs this week. Although to be honest, I think part of that may be blood loss... I did donate blood Thursday evening and they do take very close to a pound of blood. I looked up how quickly a person builds their blood levels back up but it seems there are factors involved which makes it hard to know. From what I read, I think the blood builds up quickly but not the iron and therefore maybe the 4 lbs is pure weight loss... Yeah, lets go with that theory! :)

Speaking of donating blood... Have you done so recently, or at all? If you have never donated blood, you need to start! Let's think about it for a minute... If you are in the hospital and in need of blood, you are really not doing so well, or possibly dying, and that could be any of us at anytime. It could be any of our loved ones too. :( It only takes an hour of your time to donate blood and it doesn't cost a cent. It's actually a selfish act because you feel so good afterwards! One little story and then I will get off my soapbox...  Several years ago, on a whim, I popped into the blood donor clinic to donate blood. I hadn't donated in a long time because of health reasons and I wanted to start donating again. When I walked up to the desk and they saw my blood type on my card (the second rarest type) they asked if I had been called in. They told me there was a gentleman in the hospital in Halifax in critical need of blood and so they had put out calls to everyone with my blood type. They whisked me through the process and off went my blood... It was a very real and eye opening experience and really made me realize how important it is to give!!! I urge you all to at least look into this if you haven't donated before. If you have donated, but haven't done it in awhile, please sign up and go again. Oh, and if you're on medications you think will keep you from donating, chances are they won't so just call and ask. 

So back to the topic of weight loss... :) I realize last weeks blog was rather depressing and down, and I apologize. I really was feeling as though it was slipping away from me. This week; however, I am feeling strong again and back on track. Most importantly, I am excited too! I just want to move my butt more and get this fat gone already!!! Unfortunately I had several commitments after work this week and could not go walking; but the one day we did get out, we walked further than we ever did before, and we were very proud of ourselves too! Plus, I have crappy sneakers with no support so just think what I could do with good footwear... I'd just be a blur of motion! ;)

Oh yes, blur of motion; that reminds me of something... I discovered while walking with my Hubby the other night that moving fast is really a necessity to staying alive, and here's why... So we're crossing the road in front of our house and we see there's a car coming, but it's ok, if we move quickly we have time. So we set out in a brisk walk to beat the car, which by the way is in the left lane hugging the concrete meridian because he is turning. So Hubby gets to the meridian first and he steps up out of harms way... and stops dead in his tracks. What he apparently fails to realize, is the meridian is very narrow and I am still behind him, and still on the friggin' road, with a car still heading straight for me... OMG!!! Now I am writing this today so I am obviously ok, but I just barely got my arse out of the way in time. I was teasing him afterwards and saying I didn't trust him so I was walking on the inside of the sidewalk away from traffic so he couldn't push me in front of a car... LOL Lesson learned, never walk behind Hubby when illegally crossing the street! ;) 

So on to another topic altogether... Today I have a big decision to make which will play a big role in next weeks weight loss numbers... I have a couple of lobsters coming my way today and I really really REALLY want to make lobster dip with them. If I do that, I will be eating lobster dip and chips three evenings this week and that's a lot of calories! Or, I could just eat the lobster today and not make the dip, but that breaks my heart... I won't get lobster again until December; that is 6 long months from now... :( UGH! What to do, what to do.... Next weeks weight loss will tell the tale, stay tuned.... :)

Monday 20 June 2016

Losing That Loving Feeling...

PHEW! I dodged another bullet... Despite not getting any exercise due to a bad leg and then going away the weekend on a road trip, I still lost weight... not much mind you (.2 lbs) but it's still heading in the right direction! :D

The problem is, I'm starting to get bored with this now... and that's not a little problem, it's a BIG problem! I notice I'm starting to make up excuses again to snack. I'm not holding myself back like I was before... Now I haven't fully gone off the wagon, but I'm slacking compared to the first few months. I know it sounds weird because it's up to me what I do... but I'm worried! I know all too well how easy it is to quit and go back to eating whatever/whenever! 

I need to find a way to motivate me further. The bet with Hubby has kind of gone by the wayside (as the saying goes) because we can't afford to be dishing out $40 bucks a month on a bet. Not that I ever once did what I was meant to do with the money and spend it on something fun like bingo. I spent it on stuff that was needed for our trip south and personal items. I was too responsible with it... sucked the fun right out of it I did! 

I really don't want to gain back any weight, I worked too damn hard to get where I am! I'll have to figure this out... I'd say exercise is the key but it seems every night there is something going on. Tomorrow night Hubby has plans. Wednesday night I have an eye appt. Thursday night I am donating blood... maybe Friday night we could go for a walk at this point. The only other time a day I have free is at lunch time and by the time I get my lunch into me there's usually less than half an hour left. 

I'll have to figure this out... I really don't want to be fat anymore! :(

Stay tuned....

Sunday 19 June 2016

Slightly Delayed...

Sorry Folks! Due to a weekend away and not being able to be weighed this morning, I am postponing my blog until tomorrow (Monday) evening.

Remember how I said I was going to try to be down 5 lbs? Yeah, well I am apparently a bigger dreamer than I thought I was because I had a bad leg last week and a trip away... not exactly great ways to lose weight! We shell see what the scale says but my guess is, this isn't going to be good! :(

Stay tuned...

Sunday 12 June 2016

The Joy Of Vacation...

Other than fruit wrapped in chocolate, I haven't had a piece of it in a week. Vegetables, well if you count salsa and french fries... yeah, I've had some! I let myself run wild on vacation, loved every minute of it and gained 3 lbs in the process. I'm actually quite surprised it wasn't a whole lot more... I'm talking two nights of having nachos and pop after midnight... Of course my digestive system is in full on rebellion but my fat hoarding body is loving every second of it! 

Now to get this back off of me, in one week! No sweat (said with a cocky grin)! I figure I had my fun and will now work my butt off and re-introduce lots of water and goodness into my system. I actually think it's not bad to do it now and then because it fools the body and it's like a reboot... I lost close to 100 lbs many years ago and when I hit a plateau, this is how I got past it. Mind you I didn't hit a plateau yet this time around but it should still be no problem to kick it back into gear. :) 

The stairs that took me down,
in more ways than one....
Speaking of kicking it into gear... I apparently did it quite wrong yesterday and now I can't put weight on my right leg. You see, I had a run-in with a set of steps at Victoria Park... Now these weren't ordinary steps, they were extremely steep and had no backs on them. It doesn't help that after a bad fall I am already nervous of steps, AND I don't like heights either. However, at this point it was the only way I was going to see the waterfalls. So Hubby went down the steps first and there I was alone at the top... and I couldn't do it! I couldn't take that first step. I would walk up to the steps and then back away, I paced back and forth in front of them, I even cried because the only way I could get to see the waterfalls, was down those damn stairs! I literally looked like a puppy who didn't want to go outside to pee in the rain... I honestly don't know how I did it, because I thought I was going to fall and die, but something made me take that first step or two, and despite desperately wanting to turn back, I couldn't... I was too afraid to turn around! So, despite carrying a heavy tripod in one hand and having a backpack of camera gear on me, I headed down. On every step I put my right foot down on the back edge of the next step down to brace myself and keep my body leaning back. Unfortunately I didn't take into consideration what putting all of this weight on my right leg would do to it... My quads are screaming mad at me! I can't even walk today because putting weight on that leg is a no-no! And to prove that point, if I put too much weight on it my leg just plain ole' gives out on me. The only silver lining in all of this.. the falls were absolutely gorgeous!!! Oh, and apparently I have the power to overcome my fears... who knew! 

Now here is where I'm confused... I have noticed my calf muscles getting all bulgy and sexy (yes, I said sexy) so why aren't my quads getting a work out too. They have also been holding my body weight all this time too and working with my calf muscles to get me around. Why did going down those steps do so much damage??? I should have become a doctor to learn how the body works... I'm pretty sure mine is screwy... 

So now I'm hoping my leg will heal quickly to help me get off the weight I gained this past week... at least that's the plan! Actually I want 5 lbs gone this week! Stay tuned to see how it goes... 

Some of my photos of the falls: 

Sunday 5 June 2016

Hmmmm, What To Do, What To Do....

Yeah, so this week I'm on vacation (YAY!). Part of enjoying my vacation is relaxing, part of my relaxing is snacking... Actually it's a little too late to be wondering what to do considering I stopped at Bulk Barn on the way home from work Friday and bought several different kinds of candy. Just a little in each bag... but there are 6 bags... and I did eat some yesterday. To make matters even worser (I did not misspell that word, it's my own twist and I love it...), I also stopped and bought KFC on the way home Friday night; which I ate Friday night, yesterday for lunch, yesterday for supper, and for breakfast this morning. Other than that, it was a great week! :D

Considering how much I did snack before the weigh in this morning, I did do pretty well I think. I lost .8 of a lb. Plus, I gained muscle in my calves. I went to shave my legs and thought I was disfigured! I'm definitely not used to seeing bulges of the muscle kind... (If you snickered at that, don't blame me!) ;)

So Hubby and I started walking this week. Well, actually we walked Saturday night but technically we did start this week... Plus I walked a bit more to and from work than usual. That's why I think I still lost this week. Fortunately for my better half, he told me not to get him any candy and he only had two meals of the KFC and not four like I did; and he lost 2.4 lbs this week. I'm very proud of him, but at the same time I want to hold him down and force feed him a donut! LOL  

The last time Hubby and I tried to lose weight we tried walking around Lake Pisiquid on a few different occasions, and it damn near killed me! By the time I got back to the car I could barely walk. Pain in my back, hips, and legs just about did me in. This time however, I made that walk with no problem at all. Nothing hurt when I got back to the car. It's amazing how much of a change losing 30 lbs can make! I was worried and dreading the walk because I figured I'd be hurting at the end... HA, that lake was my bitch! LOL 

Ok, one last thing...  This popped up in my Facebook memories today and I thought I'd share:

Seven years ago today Hubby and I bought our wedding bands for our most important day together. I know I was super excited about the wedding but I don’t remember much else (like actually buying the rings). It sucks to have a bad memory! So, I have a plan… (P.S. I LOVE saying I have a plan! It scares the beejeezus out of Hubby, right Lovey? LOL) The plan is, on our tenth year together as Husband and wife, we will get married again. This time, I will be thin (GULP) & beautiful in my wedding gown. The first time around I didn’t wear a gown because I felt I would look silly as a big bride and it is one of my regrets in life. Not this time, this time my gown will be so puffy and princess’ee, there may be a need to tow a trailer to carry the poof! This time I will also get some of the food and make sure I get to talk to everyone there. It might be a Christmas wedding… not sure yet. With my eyes, blue and silver would be SMOKING HOT! Just sayin… LOL 
Ahhhh, there’s nothing better than a good plan! Now Hubby needs to find a permanent job, I need to lose a lot of weight, and we need to save thousands of dollars… easy peezy! 
I'm still planning on doing this, have most of the details ironed out, and am on way to fitting into that puffy princess'ee gown...  I'll be so hot he won't be able to refuse marrying me again... right Lovey? ;)

Stay tuned... xo

Sunday 29 May 2016

Volunteer Trainer Wanted....

That's right, I'm pretty sure I need a trainer to get things tucked back where they need to be; however, due to lack of funds, this is not a possibility unless someone volunteers their services... any takers? I promise to only bitch and moan every other sentence and do as I'm told maybe half of the time. I'll probably hurt myself more often than not and need to take a break for healing, so you wouldn't have to put up with me all that often. Oh, and I prefer a male trainer and you have to have a body to prove you know what the hell you're doing! And one last thing, I'll cooperate better if you give me a treat at the end... I like candy... just sayin'! :)

Ahhhh candy.... how I love thee! This week I took a craving for chocolate that almost brought me to my knees! Thankfully a co-worker rescued me with some... it was heaven on earth!!! Why is it I never feel that way about carrots? Speaking of vegetables and candy, I've had more of the latter than the former lately. Hubby and I have gotten off track a bit I think... We stopped cooking the big Sunday meals to eat through the week and we have been lazy about exercising too. We still get a bit of fruit into us but are really lacking on veggies and I think... no, I know, it's been affecting our weight loss attempt. Especially Hubby, he never started really losing weight until he changed his eating habits to include more veggies. We gotta jump back on the veggie train! 

Now despite the lack of veggies and the addition of candy, I did still manage to lose 1.2 lbs this week and I am also proud to say I won the monthly bet of $40.00... GO ME! I have lost 1.37% of my body weight this month. The number is still going in the right direction... PHEW!

Ok, yes, I am going in the right direction but I'm really not so proud of myself lately because I know I can do better! I need to exercise, at least get out walking. I do have an excuse though; I'm always just too damn tired. Now here's what there is no excuse for... not going to bed early. Every night I give myself the same song and dance of how I'm going to go to bed early, and I never ever do and so every day I'm dragging my ass until after supper. And then do you know what happens? I get a second wind and suddenly I'm awake and feeling fine... just about the time I'm supposed to head for bed! I really do everything backwards... :) 

Speaking of bed... It's now heading for 11:30pm and the alarm will go off around 5:00am'ish. I'm one of those people who needs at least 8 hours, so already I'm up the creek tomorrow without a paddle! Are you seeing how this unfolds? Maybe Tuesday night I'll get to bed early... Stay tuned! 

G-night everyone! When you hit the sheets may you always sleep deep and dream sweet! xo 

Sunday 22 May 2016

Anyone Need A Boost?

Lets talk about boosting each other up, and I'm not just talking about women, I mean everyone... 

This week several people commented on my weight loss and how wonderful I look. One person in particular went out of her way to sincerely compliment and encourage me, and it meant so much to me! It actually still makes me feel good to think about it. When you think about it, if giving someone a compliment can make them feel good inside days afterward, that is true power! So the next time you see someone who looks good in an outfit, or you like their hair, or anything that jumps out at you... compliment them. You will likely add a giant boost to their day! Think about how you feel receiving a compliment...  so do unto others...

Ok, I'm climbing off my soapbox now. :) 

Speaking of climbing... I climbed on the scales this morning, and guess what??? I DID IT! I finally climbed over that 30 lb weight loss goal. PHEW! I lost 1.6 lbs this week and I weighed in this morning at exactly 289 lbs. I can't even think of what my next goal is right now... maybe losing 40 lbs? Is that too small of a goal do you think? Maybe it should be 50 lbs... Oh, that's half a hundred, I like that! Ok, next goal is down 50 lbs. I'm thinking by the end of August maybe... I plan on adding walking really soon to the mix so that should help! My exercising still has not been what it needs to be. I also need to tone and I've been told if you do things wrong, you are doing them for nothing so I may need to see a real fitness trainer to get tips... :) 

You know, it's funny how the mind works... I am still a very large person but when I look in the mirror now, I see I'm getting my good curves back and every once in awhile I think "Oh yeahhhh, I look good!" Now reality is, I don't really... and deep down I know that, but I sure can trick myself into thinking it now and then! I figure when I really get down several sizes I'm going to be so full of myself it'll be sickening! Like one of those people who have to dance in front of mirrors so they can watch themselves... (Oh yes, they walk among us...) :) 

Well, thankfully it's Sunday, which is my day to cheat if I wish, and I have a bowl full of lobster dip waiting for me so I'm going to stop typing and start munching! Thank you for coming along with me on this ride... Stay tuned to see how quickly I can reach that 50 lb loss (and if exercising kicks things into high gear). Maybe that 20 lbs could come off by the end of July... GO ME! 

Sunday 15 May 2016

Pleasantly Surprised...

Well, well well... I can't quite believe it! This week was a rough one when it came to dieting. I admit it, I did not behave myself. I was exhausted from traveling and not in the least in the mood to cook this week (or ever because I hate cooking)... and so I didn't. I had leftovers several days, but only one of those meals was made at home, and welllll, that was a pizza.

So maybe it's a case of good things happening to good people (stop laughing!), but I still lost 3.6 lbs this week and am once again only 1.4 lbs away from that 30 lb goal! I'm actually NOT going to say "I've got this!" or "I can do this!" or "That's no problem!" because I've said similar at least twice, if not three times, and I still haven't reached that stupid 30 lb mark yet. The only thing I'm going to say this week, is I'm sure going to try! :)

As I've mentioned before in my blogs, I need something to look forward to, and it helps with my goals. So if you read my post last week you will know I went to the first of two weddings we are invited to this spring and I wore a dress I would never have imagined wearing before. I was quite pleased with myself, or at least I was until I saw the pictures! OMG, I was all boob and back fat... Why aren't those two areas decreasing in size? I think the fat from my arms moved over to my boobs or something! I know the weight is dropping but it more or less looks like the fat is just moving to different areas... SIGH! To be honest, I plan on wearing the same dress to the next wedding in July too (we will be the only people at both weddings so I can get away with it). Hopefully I will see a change in the pictures from this past weekend... Or maybe I need one of those spanks for the top part of me; can you even buy those? We'll see what happens, but I have a month and a half or so to make a difference.

Now not only do I have the second wedding to focus on, it looks as though we are also taking a trip in about nine months time. We have put a deposit down on a cruise... YIKES!!! Now this cruise has a 10  story slide that I'd reallllly like to try, despite being scared of heights (oh, I am most definitely crazy).... It's a tube like slide and looks like it's geared towards more of a 100 lb person than someone of my, ummm... generous porportions! :D I must check and see if there is a weight or size limit on this thing... Here is what Royal Caribbean International says about it:

"The Ultimate Abyss is more than 150 feet above sea level and offers side-by-side slides that send guests down 10 decks at a rate of 9 miles per hour.

Launching onto the ride from a glass platform, guests can take one last look at the Boardwalk 10 decks below before climbing onto a customized mat and taking the plunge into the depths of the daunting slides. Spontaneous audio effects within each tunnel create a multi-sensory thrill for daring guests willing to test their mettle while traversing 216 feet through the one-of-a-kind slide duo. The Ultimate Abyss is made up of two separate cylinders, a reflection of one-another, each with a diameter of approximately 2.6 feet and constructed of stainless steel."

Surely stainless steel will hold me... :)  i guess we'll see how much weight I can lose in nine months! 
Stay tuned... :)

Monday 9 May 2016

Have You Ever Had A Steak & Shake Sundae?

I think in my last blog I mentioned something about trying to make healthy choices on vacation... Yeah, so that went to hell in a handbag! Well, mostly it did... I did have vegetables instead of fries a few times (I am including a baked potato fully loaded when I say a "few" though.... ). I can't deny I used our vacation as an excuse to eat whatever I pleased, it really was a free for all.... and it was SO much fun! :) 

Unfortunately "fun" can't last forever, as the scales showed me this morning.... I'm not surprised, but sad to say I gained 2.4 lbs on our trip to Florida. Although, if you've ever had a chocolate covered strawberry sundae at Steak & Shake, you would understand the gain... it's SO heavenly! Oh, and there was nothing I didn't love at Cracker Barrel (one of our favourite spots), and we really loved the Longhorn Steakhouse too! We ate at restaurants almost the entire trip and enjoyed every minute of it! Just thinking about it makes me realize I don't really regret the 2.4 lbs. I will get that back off pretty quickly with some really hard work this week (she says with a super cocky attitude... ;) )

Speaking of "cocky attitudes".... So the first leg of our trip was spent in the Hammock Bay Beach Resort on the Palm Coast of Florida. My Hubby and I declared ourselves the "hillbillies" of the resort and talked about how, if we let them, other guests at the resort would make us feel as though we were "less than".... Holy moly there was a lot of hoity toity'ness going around! On the last day when we were leaving, I realized I never saw another overweight person in the whole place. Maybe I should have known because it is, in part, a golfing resort; however, it did not occur to me. But it was definitely not the place to be to feel good about oneself if you're carrying anything around your middle, or chin, or butt, or thighs, or or or... Now carrying a stick up your arse; well now, that's a different story! ;) 

So this week (what's left of it), will be spent getting back on track! Hopefully we'll get at least one aqua session in and a bit of other exercise. Plus, it will be goodbye to high calorie foods and hello to fruits and veggies again! I don't think I had one piece of fruit the entire time I was down there.... I actually do miss my fruit. I have oranges and bananas waiting for my lunches this week. I wanted grapes because they are my favourite, but at $4.99 a lb, they could rot on the shelf!!! We passed an older couple in the grocery store today and the husband said to his wife, "Let's go look at the lettuce and see if we need to mortgage our house to buy it!" He was a spunky old fella, and not too far off either...

So let's see if I can get my crap together and get this extra weight back off, and maybe even a little extra. Reaching this 30 lb mark is being a bit of a bitch to do... GRRRR!

Stay tuned.... 

Sunday 1 May 2016

Son Of A... Pup!

Well, I have no one to blame but myself! Last night I went to a house warming party with tons of food and I didnt choose wisely. Plus, we haven't been eating as many vegetables and have been having "quick" fixes for meals lately because it seems we're always on the go. However, this always adds up to no good... and by "no good," I mean a pound, which is what I gained this week! UGH!!!! Of course this means I didn't reach my goal of a 30 lb loss... for the second week in a row! What makes it worse; it should have been fairly easy (2.2 lbs to lose), especially in two weeks! UGH!!! Frankly, I'm disgusted, and if I could, I'd kick myself right in the arse! 

I'd like to think it's muscle, but I don't think so this week. We did go to aqua fit class on Tuesday night, and did I ever work by butt off (instructor said about 4000 steps in 45 minutes), but that was really all the exercise I got in this week. Well, except part of my morning routine in the bathroom is taking my Hubby's can of shaving foam and using it as a weight to try and get rid of some of my bingo wings. I should probably switch to actual weights... I have a feeling the shaving foam is a little too light to be effective. :)

Tip for aqua fit class: Make sure you're wearing a one-piece bathing suit, or at least a bathing suit that fits snuggly with no flowing parts. I have a two-piece and I spent as much time trying to keep my bottoms up and my top down as I did exercising! I felt bad for the instructor; she had an above pool view... YIKES!

So today my Hubby and I went through totes of clothing that had been too small and packed away. Although I didn't rub it in (until now when he reads this...), I was right by not throwing all of my smaller clothing away as I grew in size. Ahhhh, I love being right! ;) 

So there I was today, going through these totes and making a massive pile of clothing I think will now fit me. Then I started trying stuff on, and I don't know what I was thinking, I must have been on glue! It was very disappointing to put quite a bit of the clothing back into a tote (not all of it, but most of it). However, that tote is now marked as, "close"... :)

Speaking of "close", I thought it was going to be a close race this week for the end of the month weigh-in between me and my better half. However, I am happy to say I ran away with the money... GO ME! I lost 5.6 lbs this month in total and he didn't do as well. I think there will be more veggies in our future... Except for maybe this week coming because we are on vacation. I'm still going to try and make smart decisions but it IS a vacation after all.

Stay tuned to see if, or how much, my vacation affects my weigh-in next Sunday. Maybe I will be extra active and will actually lose weight...  Have I mentioned I'm a dreamer? :)

Monday 25 April 2016

The Good, The Bad, & The Droopy...

First, for those of you who enjoy and look forward to my posts on Sunday, please accept my apologies for being late. It was an extremely busy weekend. 

The Good: I lost weight this week, not a lot mind you, but I did lose .6 of a lb. The lack of weight loss could be attributed to two things:
  1. Building muscles: We went to water aerobics on Tuesday night and boy oh boy was it ever high energy and full out! I used muscles I didn't even know existed. We also did a lot of house cleaning this week due to company coming on the weekend (we're those people who if it wasn't for company, our house would never get cleaned!). Then with our company we trekked around trails and showed them some places they had never been. Plus on Sunday we walked around the Saltscapes Expo for 3 hours. So you see, I think I might have gained muscle which is heavier than fat... :)
  2. I was weak: Ok, not to throw everyone under the bus... but there was four of us, who are all looking to be more fit and healthy, eating really wrong this weekend; and by, "this weekend" I mean all weekend long... Donairs, nachos (twice counting leftovers), cupcakes, beer, etc... OMG it was good... and so very badddd! In my defence, it was a special occasion because we hadn't seen our friends in a long time. I don't know why that's a defence, but I'm using it anyway... 
The bad: I didn't make my goal of having lost 30 lbs :( We're going away soon so I really want to hit that goal before I go. I can't imagine anything causing me to cheat this week so I should make it! 

The Droopy: Have you heard of "bingo wings"? If not, I can show them to you because I have a nice ole' set happening now. The weird thing is they seemed to arrive overnight, and all of a sudden, there they were... I don't know what I was doing on Saturday but when I lifted my arm and saw the wings my jaw actually dropped! I started swinging them back and forth, back and forth...  I asked my husband if it was a new development and he told me it sure was. It looks like I lost 20 of the almost 30 I've lost out of my upper arms! Just in case you think I might be exaggerating... We went down to visit my Father on Sunday and I must have reached for something in the kitchen near my Dad because before I knew it he's saying, "You've got to do something about those arms!" He advised me to grab a couple cans of peas and start doing arm exercises. I do have a set of small weights so I guess I have to blow the dust off of them (more like scrub the dust off of them) and get to work. I sure hope I can get these things firmed up... YIKES! 

Speaking of droopy, I have to keep hitching my pants up all the time and it's driving me crazy. I know it's a good thing, but nothing stays up on it's own anymore. For example, we're walking through Costco tonight and my undies start going down. By the time we're at the checkout the band supposed to be around my waist is now below my cheeks and falling fast. By the time I got to the car, my drawers were actually totally upside down! I had to sneak between two vehicles and do some major adjusting... Thank God for elastic waist pants! :D

Well, that's "The Good, The Bad, & The Droopy" for this week... Be sure to stay tuned next week to see if this bingo winged wonder can finally reach that 30 lb goal. Plus, it's the end of the month weigh in... This is going to be a close month I think! 

Stay tuned...

Sunday 17 April 2016

It's Easier Said Than Done!

Why is it when I write these blogs I am bursting with eagerness to start the next week and so full of ideas; but when reality hits, it's a whole different ball game.... For instance: I had received a walking work-out video from a friend and was going to get up every morning and do it before work. Well, Monday mornings I am always an exhausted write off so that was a wash, and Monday evening is the same. Tuesday morning I decided it wasn't just Monday morning; apparently, it's an every morning thing... So of course that leaves evenings. Well, by the time we get home and have supper it's seriously almost bed time, or at least so close to it the last thing I want to do is exercise. This is tougher than I thought! I did get to finally exercise with the video this week, at 11:00pm last night (Saturday night). On a positive note, Hubby watched me do it and he was very impressed I kept up and got through it. I myself, was equally impressed... :D

Although I had trouble getting in the walking video, we did make it out to aqua fit class this week. Turns out it was actually aqua zumba class. This was lots of fun but I learned something about myself I didn't like... Despite always considering myself a smoooooth dancer, I don't think I can follow choreographed all! I couldn't keep up to save my soul. I seemed to be either behind in movements, using the wrong foot/arm, or going in the wrong direction! I did get some enjoyment from watching my better half have the same struggles... mean of me I know! Actually, he was worse than I was, thank God! ;) 

Did any of you take on the 4 litre a day water challenge I mentioned in my last post? I started with this on Monday morning and it didn't take me long to feel as though one more drink of water would make me burst! I actually was feeling ill because I was SO full.... I didn't want to quit though so the second day I gave it another go and had a totally different reaction to it; I didn't mind it a bit! It was only the first day I found rough and every day after was better. It's not as hard as I thought it would be. If you were thinking about trying it but it seemed like too much, work up to that amount by starting with two litres. That is a totally respectable and reasonable amount of water to drink in a day. 

So thanks to the water intake, bit of exercise, and I think the lemon in my water I have for breakfast, I lost 2.4 lbs this week. I'm pretty sure I have those things to thank for it because I was a brat most of the week! I had a burger one night for supper, and chinese food two nights (counting leftovers). Plus, I've been nibbling a bit on candy because a bag has been sitting next to me all week. I really have to kill the nibbling habit after supper! 

So this week I REALLY want to do my best in every way and see how well I do on Sunday! If I can lose 2.4 lbs being bad, what can I do being extra good??? There will be no nibbling this week, I will have healthier meals, and I will try to exercise more! I am only 2.2 lbs away from losing 30 lbs!  WOOHOOO! 

Stay tuned to see if I can make that 30 lb mark! xo

Sunday 10 April 2016

He's Starting To Tick Me Off!

Okay, Hubby needs to back off! I love that he's losing weight too, because I actually want him to outlive me. However, if you have been following my blog you know that $40 cash is on the line. Therefore I want him to lose weight, but at a slightly slower pace than I do! I don't see that as being an unreasonable request, right? For example, I lost exactly two lbs this week, and he goes and loses 2.6. Now I just see my money flying right out the window! Could he not have lost 1.5 lbs... ;)

It's ok though, I've got this... I have a plan! Starting tomorrow a friend and I are doing a water challenge. Apparently on a 4 litre jug of water you mark off sections by time of day, and these sections are to be drank (drunk?)... Anyway, these sections are to be consumed by the time marked on the jug. Any of you want to join me in this challenge? It looks like a lot of water to drink, but it is throughout the whole day... :)

Also, I am very blessed to have a wonderful friend who sent me a walking fitness video. It's a 20 minute video which should be perfect for me in the morning while I'm waiting for my turn in the shower. I'm a little nervous about being awake enough for this, we shall see how it goes! Speaking of going, Hubby and I were supposed to go to the pool this past week for aquatics fitness but unfortunately we had to cancel due to an appointment. We should make it this week with no problem. 

So you see, all of this should add up to extra weight loss for me. I must say, I was shocked this week when I got weighed and lost 2 lbs. I had a couple of evenings out and I did not behave myself so I thought for sure I would pay for it dearly. I believe giving up the OJ in the morning and having lemon water instead helped me out. 

One more thing before I sign off for this week. I had another "YAY ME!" moment I'd like to share. I was out to an event last night so I had on a little extra make-up. When I got home, after I had washed my face, I looked in the mirror and could actually see some prettiness in my face. Maybe it was a trick of the light but for the first time in many many years, I actually saw my face as having potential. Now when I looked in the mirror this morning; well, let's just say that moment had passed! ;) 

Well, that's it for this week. A big thanks to each and everyone of you who have been such kind and supportive cheerleaders throughout my journey! Also a big thanks to everyone who reads my blog. I see the number of readers and it also gives me a nice feeling of support. :) 

I must say, I can't WAIT until next week's weigh in.... 

Stay tuned! 

Sunday 3 April 2016

Have A Seat...

Many of you, or I hope many of you, will never know the trials and tortures of being obese. So you may not know that something as simple as sitting in a chair, can be really difficult when you are overweight. The first thing to take into consideration is whether the chair will hold your weight. Plastic chairs at weddings, lawn furniture, plastic chairs at some eating establishments, etc... can be risky business! Now if the chair seems stable the next question is always, "Will my butt fit?". I have gone to events in stadiums where I did not fit in the seats. On our first cruise I came home with severe bruising on both of my outer thighs from the dining chairs. I was so embarrassed I would not mention it to anyone. However, on the second cruise I could not stand the pain and so I quietly and discreetly asked the waiters to get me a seat with no arms. I was extremely embarrassed! Thankfully, the waiters on cruise ships are pros and did not blink an eye. And then there is movie theatre seating, which thankfully for those of us on the larger side of life, has been improved by allowing us to lift the arms up between the seats. Now you might be wondering why I am rattling on about seating.... well, let me tell you... Last night we went to the movies, same location but different movies, and so I was on my own. I got to my seat, set down my popcorn and drink, lifted the arm of the seat next to me and sat down. After I sat there a minute I started to wonder how it would feel if I put that arm down on the seat next to me, and so I did... and I FIT!!!! Nothing was being squished, pinched, or choked off... I really fit comfortably! It was such a sweet moment! I was very likely still the largest person in that theatre, but I could sit there with both armrests down just like everyone else! It was definitely a victory and I bet my grin could have lit up the big screen, YAY ME!!! 

After the movies last night, Hubby and I went to a house party. I had an outfit planned out but had forgotten the button had come off the jeans I wanted to wear. Now they are the only jeans I have right now that don't look sloppy on me, so I really wanted to wear them. However, the top I wanted to wear was not tight but not loose either and I figured for sure the lack of button would show. So imagine my surprise when my weight loss had made the shirt loose enough to wear without a button on my jeans. Apparently losing weight doesn't make me any classier folks... ;)

Speaking of losing weight... I did! I lost 1.6 lbs this week and am happy to say I am now 295.8. I love watching the gap increase from the beginning weight of 319.2... :D

So starting this week, once a week, hubby and I will be attending an aqua fitness class. We both love the water so this should be lots of fun to do together. We'll see how it goes... stay tuned! 

Monday 28 March 2016

Cheaters Never Win...

SO not impressed!!!! Even though it's my own damn fault... I'm mad about our end of the month weigh in. On the last Sunday of every month my Hubby and I calculate the percentage of body weight lost for the month. The person with the highest percentage wins $40.00. If I win I get to spend it on frivolous stuff like bingo, pedi's, etc and he can't say a word about it. If Hubby wins he gets to stop me... :) So far I was doing very well, I won for January and February; however, (sniff, sniff) I lost in March... are you ready for this, by .10 %!!! I could cry... actually, I should have cried and then re-weighed myself, it might have got me the win! ;) I lost 1.65% of my body weight and Hubby lost 1.75%. He must have cheated... LOL 

Like I said earlier though, it's my own damn fault! I've been going crazy on cheat days. I'm talking marathon eating of crap! I'm putting an end to that now. It probably takes me two or three days to lose what I gained on Sundays, that's crazy! From now on I will have one or two snacks but not a whole day of eating whatever I want. See, it wouldn't be so bad, but Hubby doesn't cheat at all, or very very little. He sits in his chair and watches me snack, and I just bet he's hearing maniacal laughter in his head! LOL 

I guess even though I am out $40.00 (and this will be the last time THAT happens), I still should be happy I lost 1.65% of my body weight for the month and 1.4 lbs for the week. 

Another thing that has yet to happen, is exercise. I know I've mentioned it the past two weeks, but I still haven't done it. I'm just not getting enough sleep and I'm exhausted every friggin' day! What I really want, is a pool pass for both of us for a year. We both love to swim and neither of us considers it exercise because it's fun. I just wish it didn't cost an arm and a leg for pool memberships! YIKES! 

Well, that's about all of the news I have for you this time around. You'll have to stay tuned to read all about how I blow Hubby out of the water on Sunday when we get weighed again. :D

Oh, and a tip.... Hubby wasn't losing any big amount of weight but he was taking saltines and cereal to work everyday. He switched those up for veggies and decreased his bread intake and now he's losing weight at a pretty good clip... Which is the reason I'm now struggling to keep ahead of him. Sometimes even little things can make a big difference! :)

Sunday 20 March 2016

Our Scales Are Crazy!

It's official, our scales really are crazy! We first really realized it when we became concerned with our cat's weight loss. Our kitty is the only tiny member of this household and unfortunately weight is not something she can afford to lose so we had been monitoring her weight. According to our scales she had lost .2 of a lb in a week, and then another .2 of a lb the next week too. Being concerned we took her to the vet to find out what was going on. Well, what a surprise we got when she actually weighed heavier than she did two weeks prior at the vet. Then this morning I weighed myself, walked out to the kitchen and had to use the washroom. Afterwards I went back in to weigh myself again (don't bother to judge me, you'd do the same thing... ;) ) and I was actually .2 of a lb MORE than before! I ask you, how could that even be possible? 

So this raises the question... am I really losing the weight it appears I am losing? The answer is.. YES! I know this because on Friday, for the first time, someone told me they could really see the weight I am losing. This wasn't someone who blows smoke up your butt either; this is someone who tells it like it is. I was SO pleased with the comment, and at the same time was thinking, "Damn, I wish I had done better this week!". 

Yeah, so remember me saying in my last blog I was going to walk for an hour a day? Well, that didn't happen... I did move furniture around one day and let me tell you, that was a workout (the kind you pray your deodorant holds up and you check your pit when no one is looking)! Another day I put a chair together and that was a bit of a trial too. Friday night at a party I danced several dances, including a jig... but I also had two drinks and, welllll... chicken wings and mozza sticks for supper. To be honest, this week we also had a frozen pizza and a burger. Oh, and at about 2:00am this morning we went to Mc. D's and I had McNuggets. Not our best week by far; however, I somehow managed to lose .4 of a lb (now 298.8). Unless of course the scales are BS'ing me again... 

So being concerned with our lack of willpower this week my Hubby came up with a modification to our "rules". Our treat day is Sunday and we can break the diet on this day if we wish; or at least that was the previous plan. Now it is a little different... If we don't have a weight loss on Sunday morning's weigh in, we don't get to have a Sunday snack day that day. I think it's great motivation, I reallllly look forward to my Sunday snack day! :)

So soon it'll be the start of a new week, with a new rule, and our eyes on the prize (this next weigh in is the end of the month one to determine who gets the $40). So far this month Hubby is ahead on the weight loss... If I don't smarten up, I'm going to be crying into my empty wallet! :( 

Stay tuned to see who gets the big bucks this month... ;) 

Sunday 13 March 2016

Well Now, Who Said That's OK???

Well, huh! Seems I got a little cocky with my bad ole self... I reached my mark last week, was feeling good and figuring I had this. I don't know, maybe I figured it was easier than I thought it was going to be, and perhaps I didn't need to try quite so hard this week... Yeah, so I was wrong! 

On the other hand my Hubby, who has been losing weight at a snails pace (7.4 lbs in 2 months), lost 4.2 lbs this week. The only thing he did differently was switch out crackers for veggies at work and cut back on bread on the weekend. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fantastic he lost the weight and finally feels like he's in the game (and I want him to live a long LONG time with me), but we have a bet going, and I don't want to lose! I guess it puts the pressure on me, which isn't a bad thing... :)

So now it's time to make some changes of my own. I know from past experience the only time I will truly refrain from snacking even a little bit, is when I move my butt. So, I guess I'll have to do just that. I will try to get an hour in a day. This is going to be tough! I'm usually exhausted during the day because I don't do the smart thing and go to bed at a half decent time at night. To be truthful, I find it much easier to give up eating certain foods, than exercising. I have done a bit of exercise so far, but it was a very scarce amount. This is going to take a whole new level of commitment on my part...

I wish I could explain how it feels being as heavy as I am and trying to get motivated to exercise. You know, they say big people are lazy, and that's just not true (well, not most of the time), it's a stereotype. We're friggin' weighed down is what we are! If someone called me lazy to my face, I'd hand them 150 lbs and tell them to go take a friggin' walk with it! I work on a university campus and I see these young perky women, as big around as my thigh, bouncing on by me when I'm trying to get a little exercise. They make me feel like a fat turtle, and I just want to trip em'... I'm being honest; the thought does cross my mind! I know, I know, it'll get easier, but until then; can't I trip just one? C'monnn, just one... ;)  

So I guess we'll see what next week brings after I add some serious exercise to my new lifestyle. This week was a bust. I didn't lose any weight, but on the plus side, I didn't gain any either. Now I feel like I let myself down a bit because I want to reach my next goal of 15 more lbs before the end of April. I can & will still do this, but now it will be a little harder than it was before. 

To be honest I can't wait to see what results I get from adding exercise every day. Will it make a huge difference I wonder? Stay tuned and we'll see...

Sunday 6 March 2016

A Girl's Gotta Do What A Girl's Gotta Do...

I am SO happy right now, and pretty damn proud of myself!!! As you can probably guess, I reached my goal... by the skin of my teeth, but I did it! Actually, I'm not even sure I didn't cheat a little... 

So, my first goal was to get down below 300 lbs (for the first time in at least 7 yrs) and to have lost at least 20 lbs. However, when I stepped on the scale this morning I was .2 of a lb from losing 20 lbs (I might have cursed a little). Of course there was NO way I was going to let this happen, so I came up with a plan... Back to the washroom I went (after having just been there) to see if my bladder had any more to give, and bless it's little heart, it did. So then back to the scales I go, praying all the way, and there it is, the magic number 299.2. :D  On January 3, 2016 I weighed in at 319.2 so I have lost exactly 20 lbs and I can now officially say I no longer weigh over 300 lbs. Bye bye 300 lbs, I pray to God I never see you again! Ohhhh, this feels sooooo good!!!! 

In trying so hard to get to my first goal I have learned a couple lessons along the way. This week I learned food has to be "calorie worthy" before I'll eat it. I discovered this when I was confronted by a mini chocolate doughnut. At first, I was weak and reached for the doughnut, I even put it in my mouth and chewed... but it wasn't a great doughnut, so I quickly grabbed a napkin and spit it out. I wasn't swallowing that! It just wasn't worth the calories... I'm kind of shocked I did it; it seemed to be almost a reflex action. Thankfully I was alone in the room, because it really was a disgusting, not so "lady like" thing to do. Maybe next time I'll either leave the doughnut alone, or take a teeny tiny sample nibble first. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks! ;)

So now that I am down to my goal, I feel I should have another. We have been invited to a wedding, and as I think I mentioned in an earlier post, I want a new dress to wear. So on my April 24th weigh in, I want to be down another 15 lbs to 284.2. I know you lose more at the start of a diet, and then things even out and weight comes off a bit slower, but if I try really hard I can do this. Stay tuned... 

Sunday 28 February 2016

There's Good News and There's Bad'ish News...

Excuse me while I do a victory dance! I just walked to the store and nothing hurt... no pain at all! Now normally I would drive to the store, which is really quite bad because it's literally across the street, but I wanted some air tonight so off I went. The last one or two times I have tried this, various parts of my body actually hurt, but not this time! Oh, and on Friday, I went for a 45 minute walk around the Dalhousie Campus before work with no problem at all. It's amazing that losing so little weight can make such a big difference! 

Now that's the good news; well, great news actually... The bad'ish news, I didn't get below 300 this week... BUT, I am a little closer! I lost 2.2 lbs this week (a real miracle considering the pizza, donair  & cheesecake I ate) bringing me in at 302.4 lbs. Now this is SO doable for next week. Not only will I get below that 300, I will also be able to say I've lost over 20 lbs... Mark my words, it's coming next week! 

Speaking of up & coming events... I have two weddings to attend in the next five months and I am SUPER excited about this! I want to buy a new, and smaller sized, dress for the wedding in May, and then I want to have to buy ANOTHER new and even SMALLER sized dress for the one in July! Now if I am honest, I do have dresses that I could probably wear comfortably in my closet from when I was a bit smaller (I never got rid of a single piece of clothing), but that would be no fun at all! I think I deserve to spend a little bit. Maybe I can find a sale, because if I have anything to say about it, they won't fit me for long... :) 

Oh, I almost forgot... It was the end of the month weigh in today, and I was once again victorious! My Hubby is losing but it's coming off much slower than mine. I told him, just be happy the number is going in the right direction because that's really all that matters! 

Sunday 21 February 2016

Does Anyone Want To Buy Me A Facelift?

Over the years many people have told me how well I have aged, how young I look. YAY me right? Well no, not really... Sure, it's nice to hear, but I know the reason why I look young, it's because I'm overweight. When your overweight your skin stretches and therefore less wrinkles. Now I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but I looked in the mirror this morning and I suddenly see a ventriloquist doll. You know the look I mean, with the lines running down each side of the mouth. I swear someone could shove their hand up my back and make me say anything they want! This scares me... Of course losing weight and becoming healthy is my main goal but I surely hate the fact I may look old and haggard when I'm done! I know a woman who lost about a hundred pounds many years ago. She is now around 55 yrs old, and when she is thinking about something and purses her lips, her mouth is so wrinkly, it looks like a butt hole! This is NOT the look I'm going for!!!! So when I stood looking at myself in the mirror this morning I pushed back the skin on my face, and HOLY SMOKES, it took 20 yrs off! I never thought much of having a facelift, thought people who did such things must surely be vain, but I think I may have to change my tune. I don't want to look like a ventriloquist doll, not even a little bit. So, if someone has several thousand kicking around they want to throw my way after the weight is gone, I wouldn't say no to a little nip & tuck! :) 

Speaking of nipping & tucking... I nipped and tucked a little too much food the past week. In my defence (not that I need one), it was Valentines Day on Sunday and I had the day off on Monday so I did indulge more than I should have. I've also been feeling particularly stressed (common theme with me) and that is not helping either. However, after all is said and done, I did somehow (and I have not one sweet clue how...) manage to lose 1 lb this week. I now weigh in at 304.6 lbs. 

I'm getting close, so close to being able to say I no longer weigh over 300 lbs. That is my current goal, to get below that 300 mark. I'm guessing it's been about 7 yrs since I've weighed less than 300 and I will be SO excited when that scale shows 299 or less! You know, I once had to have a bone density test done but when I got there they wouldn't put me on the table because I was too heavy for it. They told me the table would only hold 300 lbs. I was SO embarrassed! They ended up sitting me on a chair and laying my arm across the table to get the scan and said it was the best they could do. Well, if I need another of those tests in the near future, I'll be able to get up on that table and I'll be wearing a big toothy grin! They're going to wonder why I seem so happy to be having a bone density test... :) 

Well folks, that is it for this week. I hope the week ahead is good to you and full of love, laughter and fun! 

Stay tuned next Sunday to see if I make it below the 300's....

Monday 15 February 2016

Long Time - Little Change

Every week I am pleased with my progress, but when I look at the big picture... not so much! I lost an even 2 lbs this week. From 319.2 I am now down to 305.6 lbs. It feels as though we've been at this for awhile now and it just doesn't seem like a big enough drop in the number. I really REALLY don't want to get discouraged so I'm trying to focus on one day at a time and that does seem to work. Looking ahead... SO dangerous! 

So losing 2 lbs this week was a bit of a miracle considering we went out Friday evening to supper and a movie. Supper consisted of wings, potato skins and a coke. It was good, but not as good as I was expecting it to be (I haven't had a meal like that, or pop, in a long time). We then went to a movie where I had a small popcorn and another coke. OMG the calories... plus the wings and skins leftovers came home with me for Saturday's supper. 

Little side note about the movie; it was "Dirty Grandpa". If you mind a little raunchiness or cursing, do NOT go see this movie. However, if you don't mind that stuff, it is funny. Although, I was with a friend who did mind the raunchiness and cursing and I think a big part of my enjoyment was watching her reaction. About a quarter of the way into the movie she whispered to me, "I hate you!". Naturally I laughed even more... :) 

Back to dieting... Still not exercising but I am more active just by being a little less lazy during the day. I know I have to start moving soon because I don't want anything hanging when I lose this weight! I want stuff firm and where it belongs! It's bad enough boobs are out of control most of the time; I don't want anything else being a danger to myself or others! :) 

Well, my first beef stew is in the slow cooker for tonight's supper. If it's any good, there will be leftovers for awhile too. Should be a hearty and healthy meal if it turns out ok. Fingers crossed... 

If I can remember, I will tell you how it turned out. Stay tuned... 

Sunday 7 February 2016

Eight Sausage, Eight Strips of Bacon, A Brownie, Whipped Cream, Cheesecake, etc...

You know the saying, absence makes the heart grow fonder? Well, that also applies to sausage... Seriously, it really does!  

I was a good girl from Monday to Friday afternoon, and then we went to White Point for the weekend. Now I didn't go crazy. I did not have any pop or snacks of any kind. However, I did indulge in the breakfast buffet, both mornings. I can't describe to you how good that first bite of sausage was! Well, sex and chocolate... BLECH in comparison! Of course there might have also been a dessert, or two... Overall though, I think I did alright! We stayed really busy doing photography and I think that helped work off the excess calories. 

The most exciting part of the past week, was seeing a bit of a difference in clothing! I tried on a fleece top I had not been able to wear in the past while and it now fits perfect with just a little bit of give in the front. Plus, I wore a t-shirt on Friday that was tight to the body but now has a little bit of give to it too. I was thrilled! 

I was waiting for this, for there to be a noticeable difference. Although I don't feel I need this boost to keep going, it sure is nice to actually see the results of the changes in my life! I can't even begin to imagine walking into any store and fitting into the clothing they have on the racks. I have been buying from one store for so many years; I don't think I will even know how to shop any other way. How does a person 100 lbs smaller than me have any money when she can shop everywhere for clothing??? I sense a problem in my future... a good one, but potentially a problem nonetheless! :)

As far as weight loss this week goes, I still lost weight, GO ME! I did sneak a peek on Friday morning to see how it looked, and I was down 2.8 lbs. I was very pleased but knew it would not look that good today when I weighed in, and I was right When I got home today I only had a weight loss for the week of .6 of a lb. However, that was in the afternoon and I had already had that big buffet breakfast this morning. So, in my opinion, it wasn't a fair weigh-in and I'm not taking it too much to heart. Plus, a loss is still great no matter how much it is! 

Now this week coming should be a better week, and I may even go out and play in the snow again! Stay tuned... :) 

Sunday 31 January 2016

And the Winner Is...

You know, when I started this blog, it was with the belief I needed to be accountable to others and to have others behind me, cheering me on (I am a Leo after all!). At the time I felt it would be a necessary part of my weight loss journey; however, now I am happy to say that is not the case. Don't get me wrong, I still love the cheering and knowing people are rooting for me, and it does help and makes me feel good, but I no longer feel it is necessary for my success. I have gone beyond the need for it... I am proud of myself and have a real desire to continue with the positive changes in my life. Look at me, growing up into a mature adult (well, in some ways...). With this in mind, I have been considering changing the frequency of my blogs to monthly instead of weekly, I will have a think on it and decide before next Sunday.

Perhaps because today was the weigh in for the month (and I done did good), or perhaps I am just dreaming of warmer temperatures, but I started thinking about an item on my bucket list. I have always dreamed of going to a water park. The majority of my life I have been overweight and would not dream of stepping foot in a water park. Can you imagine being told you could not go on a ride/slide because you were too heavy? Or worse, getting stuck in one of those tube like slides and having to be rescued... No WAY, not this girl! So, I figure the summer of 2017 I will be crossing off one item from my bucket list... Now I just have to figure out which water park I will visit. I want it to be a big one, and well worth the wait! Any recommendations?

Well, as mentioned above, "I done did good" this week. Despite still struggling a bit with my health, not exercising yet, and having chinese food three nights this week (one combo plate stretched out), I managed to lose another 1.8 lbs, for a total of exactly 11 lbs for the month and 3.45% of my body weight. If you read my first blog you know that my Husband, Scott and I have a contest going on, and I am VERY pleased to announce... I won this month! Not only did I win a trip to bingo, I plan on making it count by attending a bingo fundraiser for a 9 year old boy fighting Leukemia. If you wish to make a donation or attend this fundraiser yourself, see here:

Thank you to every one of you who takes the time to read my blog and to those of you cheering me on, silently or otherwise!

I hope the week ahead brings much love, laughter and joy to you and yours! xo