Sunday 31 January 2016

And the Winner Is...

You know, when I started this blog, it was with the belief I needed to be accountable to others and to have others behind me, cheering me on (I am a Leo after all!). At the time I felt it would be a necessary part of my weight loss journey; however, now I am happy to say that is not the case. Don't get me wrong, I still love the cheering and knowing people are rooting for me, and it does help and makes me feel good, but I no longer feel it is necessary for my success. I have gone beyond the need for it... I am proud of myself and have a real desire to continue with the positive changes in my life. Look at me, growing up into a mature adult (well, in some ways...). With this in mind, I have been considering changing the frequency of my blogs to monthly instead of weekly, I will have a think on it and decide before next Sunday.

Perhaps because today was the weigh in for the month (and I done did good), or perhaps I am just dreaming of warmer temperatures, but I started thinking about an item on my bucket list. I have always dreamed of going to a water park. The majority of my life I have been overweight and would not dream of stepping foot in a water park. Can you imagine being told you could not go on a ride/slide because you were too heavy? Or worse, getting stuck in one of those tube like slides and having to be rescued... No WAY, not this girl! So, I figure the summer of 2017 I will be crossing off one item from my bucket list... Now I just have to figure out which water park I will visit. I want it to be a big one, and well worth the wait! Any recommendations?

Well, as mentioned above, "I done did good" this week. Despite still struggling a bit with my health, not exercising yet, and having chinese food three nights this week (one combo plate stretched out), I managed to lose another 1.8 lbs, for a total of exactly 11 lbs for the month and 3.45% of my body weight. If you read my first blog you know that my Husband, Scott and I have a contest going on, and I am VERY pleased to announce... I won this month! Not only did I win a trip to bingo, I plan on making it count by attending a bingo fundraiser for a 9 year old boy fighting Leukemia. If you wish to make a donation or attend this fundraiser yourself, see here:

Thank you to every one of you who takes the time to read my blog and to those of you cheering me on, silently or otherwise!

I hope the week ahead brings much love, laughter and joy to you and yours! xo

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