Sunday 12 June 2016

The Joy Of Vacation...

Other than fruit wrapped in chocolate, I haven't had a piece of it in a week. Vegetables, well if you count salsa and french fries... yeah, I've had some! I let myself run wild on vacation, loved every minute of it and gained 3 lbs in the process. I'm actually quite surprised it wasn't a whole lot more... I'm talking two nights of having nachos and pop after midnight... Of course my digestive system is in full on rebellion but my fat hoarding body is loving every second of it! 

Now to get this back off of me, in one week! No sweat (said with a cocky grin)! I figure I had my fun and will now work my butt off and re-introduce lots of water and goodness into my system. I actually think it's not bad to do it now and then because it fools the body and it's like a reboot... I lost close to 100 lbs many years ago and when I hit a plateau, this is how I got past it. Mind you I didn't hit a plateau yet this time around but it should still be no problem to kick it back into gear. :) 

The stairs that took me down,
in more ways than one....
Speaking of kicking it into gear... I apparently did it quite wrong yesterday and now I can't put weight on my right leg. You see, I had a run-in with a set of steps at Victoria Park... Now these weren't ordinary steps, they were extremely steep and had no backs on them. It doesn't help that after a bad fall I am already nervous of steps, AND I don't like heights either. However, at this point it was the only way I was going to see the waterfalls. So Hubby went down the steps first and there I was alone at the top... and I couldn't do it! I couldn't take that first step. I would walk up to the steps and then back away, I paced back and forth in front of them, I even cried because the only way I could get to see the waterfalls, was down those damn stairs! I literally looked like a puppy who didn't want to go outside to pee in the rain... I honestly don't know how I did it, because I thought I was going to fall and die, but something made me take that first step or two, and despite desperately wanting to turn back, I couldn't... I was too afraid to turn around! So, despite carrying a heavy tripod in one hand and having a backpack of camera gear on me, I headed down. On every step I put my right foot down on the back edge of the next step down to brace myself and keep my body leaning back. Unfortunately I didn't take into consideration what putting all of this weight on my right leg would do to it... My quads are screaming mad at me! I can't even walk today because putting weight on that leg is a no-no! And to prove that point, if I put too much weight on it my leg just plain ole' gives out on me. The only silver lining in all of this.. the falls were absolutely gorgeous!!! Oh, and apparently I have the power to overcome my fears... who knew! 

Now here is where I'm confused... I have noticed my calf muscles getting all bulgy and sexy (yes, I said sexy) so why aren't my quads getting a work out too. They have also been holding my body weight all this time too and working with my calf muscles to get me around. Why did going down those steps do so much damage??? I should have become a doctor to learn how the body works... I'm pretty sure mine is screwy... 

So now I'm hoping my leg will heal quickly to help me get off the weight I gained this past week... at least that's the plan! Actually I want 5 lbs gone this week! Stay tuned to see how it goes... 

Some of my photos of the falls: 


  1. Gorgeous photos of the falls Darlene!!

    1. Thanks Karen! It's SUCH a beautiful spot!
