Sunday 29 May 2016

Volunteer Trainer Wanted....

That's right, I'm pretty sure I need a trainer to get things tucked back where they need to be; however, due to lack of funds, this is not a possibility unless someone volunteers their services... any takers? I promise to only bitch and moan every other sentence and do as I'm told maybe half of the time. I'll probably hurt myself more often than not and need to take a break for healing, so you wouldn't have to put up with me all that often. Oh, and I prefer a male trainer and you have to have a body to prove you know what the hell you're doing! And one last thing, I'll cooperate better if you give me a treat at the end... I like candy... just sayin'! :)

Ahhhh candy.... how I love thee! This week I took a craving for chocolate that almost brought me to my knees! Thankfully a co-worker rescued me with some... it was heaven on earth!!! Why is it I never feel that way about carrots? Speaking of vegetables and candy, I've had more of the latter than the former lately. Hubby and I have gotten off track a bit I think... We stopped cooking the big Sunday meals to eat through the week and we have been lazy about exercising too. We still get a bit of fruit into us but are really lacking on veggies and I think... no, I know, it's been affecting our weight loss attempt. Especially Hubby, he never started really losing weight until he changed his eating habits to include more veggies. We gotta jump back on the veggie train! 

Now despite the lack of veggies and the addition of candy, I did still manage to lose 1.2 lbs this week and I am also proud to say I won the monthly bet of $40.00... GO ME! I have lost 1.37% of my body weight this month. The number is still going in the right direction... PHEW!

Ok, yes, I am going in the right direction but I'm really not so proud of myself lately because I know I can do better! I need to exercise, at least get out walking. I do have an excuse though; I'm always just too damn tired. Now here's what there is no excuse for... not going to bed early. Every night I give myself the same song and dance of how I'm going to go to bed early, and I never ever do and so every day I'm dragging my ass until after supper. And then do you know what happens? I get a second wind and suddenly I'm awake and feeling fine... just about the time I'm supposed to head for bed! I really do everything backwards... :) 

Speaking of bed... It's now heading for 11:30pm and the alarm will go off around 5:00am'ish. I'm one of those people who needs at least 8 hours, so already I'm up the creek tomorrow without a paddle! Are you seeing how this unfolds? Maybe Tuesday night I'll get to bed early... Stay tuned! 

G-night everyone! When you hit the sheets may you always sleep deep and dream sweet! xo 

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