Sunday 28 February 2016

There's Good News and There's Bad'ish News...

Excuse me while I do a victory dance! I just walked to the store and nothing hurt... no pain at all! Now normally I would drive to the store, which is really quite bad because it's literally across the street, but I wanted some air tonight so off I went. The last one or two times I have tried this, various parts of my body actually hurt, but not this time! Oh, and on Friday, I went for a 45 minute walk around the Dalhousie Campus before work with no problem at all. It's amazing that losing so little weight can make such a big difference! 

Now that's the good news; well, great news actually... The bad'ish news, I didn't get below 300 this week... BUT, I am a little closer! I lost 2.2 lbs this week (a real miracle considering the pizza, donair  & cheesecake I ate) bringing me in at 302.4 lbs. Now this is SO doable for next week. Not only will I get below that 300, I will also be able to say I've lost over 20 lbs... Mark my words, it's coming next week! 

Speaking of up & coming events... I have two weddings to attend in the next five months and I am SUPER excited about this! I want to buy a new, and smaller sized, dress for the wedding in May, and then I want to have to buy ANOTHER new and even SMALLER sized dress for the one in July! Now if I am honest, I do have dresses that I could probably wear comfortably in my closet from when I was a bit smaller (I never got rid of a single piece of clothing), but that would be no fun at all! I think I deserve to spend a little bit. Maybe I can find a sale, because if I have anything to say about it, they won't fit me for long... :) 

Oh, I almost forgot... It was the end of the month weigh in today, and I was once again victorious! My Hubby is losing but it's coming off much slower than mine. I told him, just be happy the number is going in the right direction because that's really all that matters! 

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