Sunday 3 April 2016

Have A Seat...

Many of you, or I hope many of you, will never know the trials and tortures of being obese. So you may not know that something as simple as sitting in a chair, can be really difficult when you are overweight. The first thing to take into consideration is whether the chair will hold your weight. Plastic chairs at weddings, lawn furniture, plastic chairs at some eating establishments, etc... can be risky business! Now if the chair seems stable the next question is always, "Will my butt fit?". I have gone to events in stadiums where I did not fit in the seats. On our first cruise I came home with severe bruising on both of my outer thighs from the dining chairs. I was so embarrassed I would not mention it to anyone. However, on the second cruise I could not stand the pain and so I quietly and discreetly asked the waiters to get me a seat with no arms. I was extremely embarrassed! Thankfully, the waiters on cruise ships are pros and did not blink an eye. And then there is movie theatre seating, which thankfully for those of us on the larger side of life, has been improved by allowing us to lift the arms up between the seats. Now you might be wondering why I am rattling on about seating.... well, let me tell you... Last night we went to the movies, same location but different movies, and so I was on my own. I got to my seat, set down my popcorn and drink, lifted the arm of the seat next to me and sat down. After I sat there a minute I started to wonder how it would feel if I put that arm down on the seat next to me, and so I did... and I FIT!!!! Nothing was being squished, pinched, or choked off... I really fit comfortably! It was such a sweet moment! I was very likely still the largest person in that theatre, but I could sit there with both armrests down just like everyone else! It was definitely a victory and I bet my grin could have lit up the big screen, YAY ME!!! 

After the movies last night, Hubby and I went to a house party. I had an outfit planned out but had forgotten the button had come off the jeans I wanted to wear. Now they are the only jeans I have right now that don't look sloppy on me, so I really wanted to wear them. However, the top I wanted to wear was not tight but not loose either and I figured for sure the lack of button would show. So imagine my surprise when my weight loss had made the shirt loose enough to wear without a button on my jeans. Apparently losing weight doesn't make me any classier folks... ;)

Speaking of losing weight... I did! I lost 1.6 lbs this week and am happy to say I am now 295.8. I love watching the gap increase from the beginning weight of 319.2... :D

So starting this week, once a week, hubby and I will be attending an aqua fitness class. We both love the water so this should be lots of fun to do together. We'll see how it goes... stay tuned! 

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