Monday 25 April 2016

The Good, The Bad, & The Droopy...

First, for those of you who enjoy and look forward to my posts on Sunday, please accept my apologies for being late. It was an extremely busy weekend. 

The Good: I lost weight this week, not a lot mind you, but I did lose .6 of a lb. The lack of weight loss could be attributed to two things:
  1. Building muscles: We went to water aerobics on Tuesday night and boy oh boy was it ever high energy and full out! I used muscles I didn't even know existed. We also did a lot of house cleaning this week due to company coming on the weekend (we're those people who if it wasn't for company, our house would never get cleaned!). Then with our company we trekked around trails and showed them some places they had never been. Plus on Sunday we walked around the Saltscapes Expo for 3 hours. So you see, I think I might have gained muscle which is heavier than fat... :)
  2. I was weak: Ok, not to throw everyone under the bus... but there was four of us, who are all looking to be more fit and healthy, eating really wrong this weekend; and by, "this weekend" I mean all weekend long... Donairs, nachos (twice counting leftovers), cupcakes, beer, etc... OMG it was good... and so very badddd! In my defence, it was a special occasion because we hadn't seen our friends in a long time. I don't know why that's a defence, but I'm using it anyway... 
The bad: I didn't make my goal of having lost 30 lbs :( We're going away soon so I really want to hit that goal before I go. I can't imagine anything causing me to cheat this week so I should make it! 

The Droopy: Have you heard of "bingo wings"? If not, I can show them to you because I have a nice ole' set happening now. The weird thing is they seemed to arrive overnight, and all of a sudden, there they were... I don't know what I was doing on Saturday but when I lifted my arm and saw the wings my jaw actually dropped! I started swinging them back and forth, back and forth...  I asked my husband if it was a new development and he told me it sure was. It looks like I lost 20 of the almost 30 I've lost out of my upper arms! Just in case you think I might be exaggerating... We went down to visit my Father on Sunday and I must have reached for something in the kitchen near my Dad because before I knew it he's saying, "You've got to do something about those arms!" He advised me to grab a couple cans of peas and start doing arm exercises. I do have a set of small weights so I guess I have to blow the dust off of them (more like scrub the dust off of them) and get to work. I sure hope I can get these things firmed up... YIKES! 

Speaking of droopy, I have to keep hitching my pants up all the time and it's driving me crazy. I know it's a good thing, but nothing stays up on it's own anymore. For example, we're walking through Costco tonight and my undies start going down. By the time we're at the checkout the band supposed to be around my waist is now below my cheeks and falling fast. By the time I got to the car, my drawers were actually totally upside down! I had to sneak between two vehicles and do some major adjusting... Thank God for elastic waist pants! :D

Well, that's "The Good, The Bad, & The Droopy" for this week... Be sure to stay tuned next week to see if this bingo winged wonder can finally reach that 30 lb goal. Plus, it's the end of the month weigh in... This is going to be a close month I think! 

Stay tuned...

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