Sunday 6 March 2016

A Girl's Gotta Do What A Girl's Gotta Do...

I am SO happy right now, and pretty damn proud of myself!!! As you can probably guess, I reached my goal... by the skin of my teeth, but I did it! Actually, I'm not even sure I didn't cheat a little... 

So, my first goal was to get down below 300 lbs (for the first time in at least 7 yrs) and to have lost at least 20 lbs. However, when I stepped on the scale this morning I was .2 of a lb from losing 20 lbs (I might have cursed a little). Of course there was NO way I was going to let this happen, so I came up with a plan... Back to the washroom I went (after having just been there) to see if my bladder had any more to give, and bless it's little heart, it did. So then back to the scales I go, praying all the way, and there it is, the magic number 299.2. :D  On January 3, 2016 I weighed in at 319.2 so I have lost exactly 20 lbs and I can now officially say I no longer weigh over 300 lbs. Bye bye 300 lbs, I pray to God I never see you again! Ohhhh, this feels sooooo good!!!! 

In trying so hard to get to my first goal I have learned a couple lessons along the way. This week I learned food has to be "calorie worthy" before I'll eat it. I discovered this when I was confronted by a mini chocolate doughnut. At first, I was weak and reached for the doughnut, I even put it in my mouth and chewed... but it wasn't a great doughnut, so I quickly grabbed a napkin and spit it out. I wasn't swallowing that! It just wasn't worth the calories... I'm kind of shocked I did it; it seemed to be almost a reflex action. Thankfully I was alone in the room, because it really was a disgusting, not so "lady like" thing to do. Maybe next time I'll either leave the doughnut alone, or take a teeny tiny sample nibble first. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks! ;)

So now that I am down to my goal, I feel I should have another. We have been invited to a wedding, and as I think I mentioned in an earlier post, I want a new dress to wear. So on my April 24th weigh in, I want to be down another 15 lbs to 284.2. I know you lose more at the start of a diet, and then things even out and weight comes off a bit slower, but if I try really hard I can do this. Stay tuned... 

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