Monday 28 March 2016

Cheaters Never Win...

SO not impressed!!!! Even though it's my own damn fault... I'm mad about our end of the month weigh in. On the last Sunday of every month my Hubby and I calculate the percentage of body weight lost for the month. The person with the highest percentage wins $40.00. If I win I get to spend it on frivolous stuff like bingo, pedi's, etc and he can't say a word about it. If Hubby wins he gets to stop me... :) So far I was doing very well, I won for January and February; however, (sniff, sniff) I lost in March... are you ready for this, by .10 %!!! I could cry... actually, I should have cried and then re-weighed myself, it might have got me the win! ;) I lost 1.65% of my body weight and Hubby lost 1.75%. He must have cheated... LOL 

Like I said earlier though, it's my own damn fault! I've been going crazy on cheat days. I'm talking marathon eating of crap! I'm putting an end to that now. It probably takes me two or three days to lose what I gained on Sundays, that's crazy! From now on I will have one or two snacks but not a whole day of eating whatever I want. See, it wouldn't be so bad, but Hubby doesn't cheat at all, or very very little. He sits in his chair and watches me snack, and I just bet he's hearing maniacal laughter in his head! LOL 

I guess even though I am out $40.00 (and this will be the last time THAT happens), I still should be happy I lost 1.65% of my body weight for the month and 1.4 lbs for the week. 

Another thing that has yet to happen, is exercise. I know I've mentioned it the past two weeks, but I still haven't done it. I'm just not getting enough sleep and I'm exhausted every friggin' day! What I really want, is a pool pass for both of us for a year. We both love to swim and neither of us considers it exercise because it's fun. I just wish it didn't cost an arm and a leg for pool memberships! YIKES! 

Well, that's about all of the news I have for you this time around. You'll have to stay tuned to read all about how I blow Hubby out of the water on Sunday when we get weighed again. :D

Oh, and a tip.... Hubby wasn't losing any big amount of weight but he was taking saltines and cereal to work everyday. He switched those up for veggies and decreased his bread intake and now he's losing weight at a pretty good clip... Which is the reason I'm now struggling to keep ahead of him. Sometimes even little things can make a big difference! :)


  1. Keep up the good work Darlene!!! I say, get a dog and it will make you get out and walk and it will be fun and not feel like work!!

  2. I just found this today. Thanks for the encouragement Karen! I wish we could get a dog, we both love them but with being gone 12 hours a day, it just wouldn't work. If I can get work closer to home someday we probably will though. We start going to aqua fitness classes this week... I know I'll enjoy it but we'll see how the other half makes out. LOL
