Sunday 20 March 2016

Our Scales Are Crazy!

It's official, our scales really are crazy! We first really realized it when we became concerned with our cat's weight loss. Our kitty is the only tiny member of this household and unfortunately weight is not something she can afford to lose so we had been monitoring her weight. According to our scales she had lost .2 of a lb in a week, and then another .2 of a lb the next week too. Being concerned we took her to the vet to find out what was going on. Well, what a surprise we got when she actually weighed heavier than she did two weeks prior at the vet. Then this morning I weighed myself, walked out to the kitchen and had to use the washroom. Afterwards I went back in to weigh myself again (don't bother to judge me, you'd do the same thing... ;) ) and I was actually .2 of a lb MORE than before! I ask you, how could that even be possible? 

So this raises the question... am I really losing the weight it appears I am losing? The answer is.. YES! I know this because on Friday, for the first time, someone told me they could really see the weight I am losing. This wasn't someone who blows smoke up your butt either; this is someone who tells it like it is. I was SO pleased with the comment, and at the same time was thinking, "Damn, I wish I had done better this week!". 

Yeah, so remember me saying in my last blog I was going to walk for an hour a day? Well, that didn't happen... I did move furniture around one day and let me tell you, that was a workout (the kind you pray your deodorant holds up and you check your pit when no one is looking)! Another day I put a chair together and that was a bit of a trial too. Friday night at a party I danced several dances, including a jig... but I also had two drinks and, welllll... chicken wings and mozza sticks for supper. To be honest, this week we also had a frozen pizza and a burger. Oh, and at about 2:00am this morning we went to Mc. D's and I had McNuggets. Not our best week by far; however, I somehow managed to lose .4 of a lb (now 298.8). Unless of course the scales are BS'ing me again... 

So being concerned with our lack of willpower this week my Hubby came up with a modification to our "rules". Our treat day is Sunday and we can break the diet on this day if we wish; or at least that was the previous plan. Now it is a little different... If we don't have a weight loss on Sunday morning's weigh in, we don't get to have a Sunday snack day that day. I think it's great motivation, I reallllly look forward to my Sunday snack day! :)

So soon it'll be the start of a new week, with a new rule, and our eyes on the prize (this next weigh in is the end of the month one to determine who gets the $40). So far this month Hubby is ahead on the weight loss... If I don't smarten up, I'm going to be crying into my empty wallet! :( 

Stay tuned to see who gets the big bucks this month... ;) 

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