Sunday 15 May 2016

Pleasantly Surprised...

Well, well well... I can't quite believe it! This week was a rough one when it came to dieting. I admit it, I did not behave myself. I was exhausted from traveling and not in the least in the mood to cook this week (or ever because I hate cooking)... and so I didn't. I had leftovers several days, but only one of those meals was made at home, and welllll, that was a pizza.

So maybe it's a case of good things happening to good people (stop laughing!), but I still lost 3.6 lbs this week and am once again only 1.4 lbs away from that 30 lb goal! I'm actually NOT going to say "I've got this!" or "I can do this!" or "That's no problem!" because I've said similar at least twice, if not three times, and I still haven't reached that stupid 30 lb mark yet. The only thing I'm going to say this week, is I'm sure going to try! :)

As I've mentioned before in my blogs, I need something to look forward to, and it helps with my goals. So if you read my post last week you will know I went to the first of two weddings we are invited to this spring and I wore a dress I would never have imagined wearing before. I was quite pleased with myself, or at least I was until I saw the pictures! OMG, I was all boob and back fat... Why aren't those two areas decreasing in size? I think the fat from my arms moved over to my boobs or something! I know the weight is dropping but it more or less looks like the fat is just moving to different areas... SIGH! To be honest, I plan on wearing the same dress to the next wedding in July too (we will be the only people at both weddings so I can get away with it). Hopefully I will see a change in the pictures from this past weekend... Or maybe I need one of those spanks for the top part of me; can you even buy those? We'll see what happens, but I have a month and a half or so to make a difference.

Now not only do I have the second wedding to focus on, it looks as though we are also taking a trip in about nine months time. We have put a deposit down on a cruise... YIKES!!! Now this cruise has a 10  story slide that I'd reallllly like to try, despite being scared of heights (oh, I am most definitely crazy).... It's a tube like slide and looks like it's geared towards more of a 100 lb person than someone of my, ummm... generous porportions! :D I must check and see if there is a weight or size limit on this thing... Here is what Royal Caribbean International says about it:

"The Ultimate Abyss is more than 150 feet above sea level and offers side-by-side slides that send guests down 10 decks at a rate of 9 miles per hour.

Launching onto the ride from a glass platform, guests can take one last look at the Boardwalk 10 decks below before climbing onto a customized mat and taking the plunge into the depths of the daunting slides. Spontaneous audio effects within each tunnel create a multi-sensory thrill for daring guests willing to test their mettle while traversing 216 feet through the one-of-a-kind slide duo. The Ultimate Abyss is made up of two separate cylinders, a reflection of one-another, each with a diameter of approximately 2.6 feet and constructed of stainless steel."

Surely stainless steel will hold me... :)  i guess we'll see how much weight I can lose in nine months! 
Stay tuned... :)

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