Sunday 13 March 2016

Well Now, Who Said That's OK???

Well, huh! Seems I got a little cocky with my bad ole self... I reached my mark last week, was feeling good and figuring I had this. I don't know, maybe I figured it was easier than I thought it was going to be, and perhaps I didn't need to try quite so hard this week... Yeah, so I was wrong! 

On the other hand my Hubby, who has been losing weight at a snails pace (7.4 lbs in 2 months), lost 4.2 lbs this week. The only thing he did differently was switch out crackers for veggies at work and cut back on bread on the weekend. Don't get me wrong, I think it's fantastic he lost the weight and finally feels like he's in the game (and I want him to live a long LONG time with me), but we have a bet going, and I don't want to lose! I guess it puts the pressure on me, which isn't a bad thing... :)

So now it's time to make some changes of my own. I know from past experience the only time I will truly refrain from snacking even a little bit, is when I move my butt. So, I guess I'll have to do just that. I will try to get an hour in a day. This is going to be tough! I'm usually exhausted during the day because I don't do the smart thing and go to bed at a half decent time at night. To be truthful, I find it much easier to give up eating certain foods, than exercising. I have done a bit of exercise so far, but it was a very scarce amount. This is going to take a whole new level of commitment on my part...

I wish I could explain how it feels being as heavy as I am and trying to get motivated to exercise. You know, they say big people are lazy, and that's just not true (well, not most of the time), it's a stereotype. We're friggin' weighed down is what we are! If someone called me lazy to my face, I'd hand them 150 lbs and tell them to go take a friggin' walk with it! I work on a university campus and I see these young perky women, as big around as my thigh, bouncing on by me when I'm trying to get a little exercise. They make me feel like a fat turtle, and I just want to trip em'... I'm being honest; the thought does cross my mind! I know, I know, it'll get easier, but until then; can't I trip just one? C'monnn, just one... ;)  

So I guess we'll see what next week brings after I add some serious exercise to my new lifestyle. This week was a bust. I didn't lose any weight, but on the plus side, I didn't gain any either. Now I feel like I let myself down a bit because I want to reach my next goal of 15 more lbs before the end of April. I can & will still do this, but now it will be a little harder than it was before. 

To be honest I can't wait to see what results I get from adding exercise every day. Will it make a huge difference I wonder? Stay tuned and we'll see...

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