Sunday 10 April 2016

He's Starting To Tick Me Off!

Okay, Hubby needs to back off! I love that he's losing weight too, because I actually want him to outlive me. However, if you have been following my blog you know that $40 cash is on the line. Therefore I want him to lose weight, but at a slightly slower pace than I do! I don't see that as being an unreasonable request, right? For example, I lost exactly two lbs this week, and he goes and loses 2.6. Now I just see my money flying right out the window! Could he not have lost 1.5 lbs... ;)

It's ok though, I've got this... I have a plan! Starting tomorrow a friend and I are doing a water challenge. Apparently on a 4 litre jug of water you mark off sections by time of day, and these sections are to be drank (drunk?)... Anyway, these sections are to be consumed by the time marked on the jug. Any of you want to join me in this challenge? It looks like a lot of water to drink, but it is throughout the whole day... :)

Also, I am very blessed to have a wonderful friend who sent me a walking fitness video. It's a 20 minute video which should be perfect for me in the morning while I'm waiting for my turn in the shower. I'm a little nervous about being awake enough for this, we shall see how it goes! Speaking of going, Hubby and I were supposed to go to the pool this past week for aquatics fitness but unfortunately we had to cancel due to an appointment. We should make it this week with no problem. 

So you see, all of this should add up to extra weight loss for me. I must say, I was shocked this week when I got weighed and lost 2 lbs. I had a couple of evenings out and I did not behave myself so I thought for sure I would pay for it dearly. I believe giving up the OJ in the morning and having lemon water instead helped me out. 

One more thing before I sign off for this week. I had another "YAY ME!" moment I'd like to share. I was out to an event last night so I had on a little extra make-up. When I got home, after I had washed my face, I looked in the mirror and could actually see some prettiness in my face. Maybe it was a trick of the light but for the first time in many many years, I actually saw my face as having potential. Now when I looked in the mirror this morning; well, let's just say that moment had passed! ;) 

Well, that's it for this week. A big thanks to each and everyone of you who have been such kind and supportive cheerleaders throughout my journey! Also a big thanks to everyone who reads my blog. I see the number of readers and it also gives me a nice feeling of support. :) 

I must say, I can't WAIT until next week's weigh in.... 

Stay tuned! 

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