Monday 9 May 2016

Have You Ever Had A Steak & Shake Sundae?

I think in my last blog I mentioned something about trying to make healthy choices on vacation... Yeah, so that went to hell in a handbag! Well, mostly it did... I did have vegetables instead of fries a few times (I am including a baked potato fully loaded when I say a "few" though.... ). I can't deny I used our vacation as an excuse to eat whatever I pleased, it really was a free for all.... and it was SO much fun! :) 

Unfortunately "fun" can't last forever, as the scales showed me this morning.... I'm not surprised, but sad to say I gained 2.4 lbs on our trip to Florida. Although, if you've ever had a chocolate covered strawberry sundae at Steak & Shake, you would understand the gain... it's SO heavenly! Oh, and there was nothing I didn't love at Cracker Barrel (one of our favourite spots), and we really loved the Longhorn Steakhouse too! We ate at restaurants almost the entire trip and enjoyed every minute of it! Just thinking about it makes me realize I don't really regret the 2.4 lbs. I will get that back off pretty quickly with some really hard work this week (she says with a super cocky attitude... ;) )

Speaking of "cocky attitudes".... So the first leg of our trip was spent in the Hammock Bay Beach Resort on the Palm Coast of Florida. My Hubby and I declared ourselves the "hillbillies" of the resort and talked about how, if we let them, other guests at the resort would make us feel as though we were "less than".... Holy moly there was a lot of hoity toity'ness going around! On the last day when we were leaving, I realized I never saw another overweight person in the whole place. Maybe I should have known because it is, in part, a golfing resort; however, it did not occur to me. But it was definitely not the place to be to feel good about oneself if you're carrying anything around your middle, or chin, or butt, or thighs, or or or... Now carrying a stick up your arse; well now, that's a different story! ;) 

So this week (what's left of it), will be spent getting back on track! Hopefully we'll get at least one aqua session in and a bit of other exercise. Plus, it will be goodbye to high calorie foods and hello to fruits and veggies again! I don't think I had one piece of fruit the entire time I was down there.... I actually do miss my fruit. I have oranges and bananas waiting for my lunches this week. I wanted grapes because they are my favourite, but at $4.99 a lb, they could rot on the shelf!!! We passed an older couple in the grocery store today and the husband said to his wife, "Let's go look at the lettuce and see if we need to mortgage our house to buy it!" He was a spunky old fella, and not too far off either...

So let's see if I can get my crap together and get this extra weight back off, and maybe even a little extra. Reaching this 30 lb mark is being a bit of a bitch to do... GRRRR!

Stay tuned.... 

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