Sunday 5 June 2016

Hmmmm, What To Do, What To Do....

Yeah, so this week I'm on vacation (YAY!). Part of enjoying my vacation is relaxing, part of my relaxing is snacking... Actually it's a little too late to be wondering what to do considering I stopped at Bulk Barn on the way home from work Friday and bought several different kinds of candy. Just a little in each bag... but there are 6 bags... and I did eat some yesterday. To make matters even worser (I did not misspell that word, it's my own twist and I love it...), I also stopped and bought KFC on the way home Friday night; which I ate Friday night, yesterday for lunch, yesterday for supper, and for breakfast this morning. Other than that, it was a great week! :D

Considering how much I did snack before the weigh in this morning, I did do pretty well I think. I lost .8 of a lb. Plus, I gained muscle in my calves. I went to shave my legs and thought I was disfigured! I'm definitely not used to seeing bulges of the muscle kind... (If you snickered at that, don't blame me!) ;)

So Hubby and I started walking this week. Well, actually we walked Saturday night but technically we did start this week... Plus I walked a bit more to and from work than usual. That's why I think I still lost this week. Fortunately for my better half, he told me not to get him any candy and he only had two meals of the KFC and not four like I did; and he lost 2.4 lbs this week. I'm very proud of him, but at the same time I want to hold him down and force feed him a donut! LOL  

The last time Hubby and I tried to lose weight we tried walking around Lake Pisiquid on a few different occasions, and it damn near killed me! By the time I got back to the car I could barely walk. Pain in my back, hips, and legs just about did me in. This time however, I made that walk with no problem at all. Nothing hurt when I got back to the car. It's amazing how much of a change losing 30 lbs can make! I was worried and dreading the walk because I figured I'd be hurting at the end... HA, that lake was my bitch! LOL 

Ok, one last thing...  This popped up in my Facebook memories today and I thought I'd share:

Seven years ago today Hubby and I bought our wedding bands for our most important day together. I know I was super excited about the wedding but I don’t remember much else (like actually buying the rings). It sucks to have a bad memory! So, I have a plan… (P.S. I LOVE saying I have a plan! It scares the beejeezus out of Hubby, right Lovey? LOL) The plan is, on our tenth year together as Husband and wife, we will get married again. This time, I will be thin (GULP) & beautiful in my wedding gown. The first time around I didn’t wear a gown because I felt I would look silly as a big bride and it is one of my regrets in life. Not this time, this time my gown will be so puffy and princess’ee, there may be a need to tow a trailer to carry the poof! This time I will also get some of the food and make sure I get to talk to everyone there. It might be a Christmas wedding… not sure yet. With my eyes, blue and silver would be SMOKING HOT! Just sayin… LOL 
Ahhhh, there’s nothing better than a good plan! Now Hubby needs to find a permanent job, I need to lose a lot of weight, and we need to save thousands of dollars… easy peezy! 
I'm still planning on doing this, have most of the details ironed out, and am on way to fitting into that puffy princess'ee gown...  I'll be so hot he won't be able to refuse marrying me again... right Lovey? ;)

Stay tuned... xo

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