Sunday 22 May 2016

Anyone Need A Boost?

Lets talk about boosting each other up, and I'm not just talking about women, I mean everyone... 

This week several people commented on my weight loss and how wonderful I look. One person in particular went out of her way to sincerely compliment and encourage me, and it meant so much to me! It actually still makes me feel good to think about it. When you think about it, if giving someone a compliment can make them feel good inside days afterward, that is true power! So the next time you see someone who looks good in an outfit, or you like their hair, or anything that jumps out at you... compliment them. You will likely add a giant boost to their day! Think about how you feel receiving a compliment...  so do unto others...

Ok, I'm climbing off my soapbox now. :) 

Speaking of climbing... I climbed on the scales this morning, and guess what??? I DID IT! I finally climbed over that 30 lb weight loss goal. PHEW! I lost 1.6 lbs this week and I weighed in this morning at exactly 289 lbs. I can't even think of what my next goal is right now... maybe losing 40 lbs? Is that too small of a goal do you think? Maybe it should be 50 lbs... Oh, that's half a hundred, I like that! Ok, next goal is down 50 lbs. I'm thinking by the end of August maybe... I plan on adding walking really soon to the mix so that should help! My exercising still has not been what it needs to be. I also need to tone and I've been told if you do things wrong, you are doing them for nothing so I may need to see a real fitness trainer to get tips... :) 

You know, it's funny how the mind works... I am still a very large person but when I look in the mirror now, I see I'm getting my good curves back and every once in awhile I think "Oh yeahhhh, I look good!" Now reality is, I don't really... and deep down I know that, but I sure can trick myself into thinking it now and then! I figure when I really get down several sizes I'm going to be so full of myself it'll be sickening! Like one of those people who have to dance in front of mirrors so they can watch themselves... (Oh yes, they walk among us...) :) 

Well, thankfully it's Sunday, which is my day to cheat if I wish, and I have a bowl full of lobster dip waiting for me so I'm going to stop typing and start munching! Thank you for coming along with me on this ride... Stay tuned to see how quickly I can reach that 50 lb loss (and if exercising kicks things into high gear). Maybe that 20 lbs could come off by the end of July... GO ME! 


  1. Congrats Darlene, keep up the good work!! I think you answered your own question on the exercise thing..."Just Dance..." LOL!!!

  2. Way to go Darlene! I bet you are looking fabulous!

    1. Thanks Karen! I think it is noticeable now, or at least to some it is. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If you want to add walking, try adding the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds series. You can YouTube her. Start with the one mile once, maybe twice, a day. It takes 15 minutes for each mile. I started with her and I've lost over 100 pounds. It's very low impact so it's great for beginners. She has some newer ones out now that are definitely a lot tougher. Keep up the fight!

    1. Thanks so much for the tip Melanie, I really appreciate it! Congratulations on the weight loss, SO impressive!
