Sunday 10 January 2016

Margarine and I, Are No Longer Friends…

One of the not so great things about trying to live a healthier life, is learning how UNhealthy it was in the past!

So Monday and Tuesday were particularly stressful days for me. Of course when I’m stressed, I reach for food. Not “good for you” foods of course, but the naughty kind that live forever on your arse... So, keeping in mind I am trying to live a healthier life and be kind to my body, I reached for my new microwave popcorn popper. The popcorn is air popped and I figured a little margarine without salt would make an ok substitute for something really bad for me. So when I’m ready to add the margarine I grab a knife and take two chunks of margarine out of the tub. The chunks are about the size of regular rectangle ice cubes. We buy the Lactantia margarine, which is supposed to be heart healthy, etc… So in my way of thinking, must be low in calories. That thought stayed with me until I was lying in bed and got to thinking about it. It bothered me so much I got up to check on the calories in the margarine. Needless to say, I was shocked! There were 70 calories in a TEASPOON of that margarine. Do you know how many teaspoons are in a chunk? A LOT! Talk about blowing a day (or two) of healthy living… UGH!!!!! Myself and margarine, are really no longer on speaking terms. Now I have to find something else to give my popcorn some flavour.

Now I would like to say that was my only “oopsy” moment, but it wasn’t. On three separate occasions I thoroughly savoured a chocolate covered cherry. Did you know you can get three bites out of a single chocolate cherry? I also had two half glasses of pop. Oh, and one night I came home from work and Scott had cooked a frozen pepperoni pizza... and then proceeded to add bacon and extra cheese to it. LOL

Ok, those were the wrongs, but I did do some things right too. That pizza I mentioned, I only had one piece instead of the two I would always have. Plus, I did not have pop with it and instead chose water. Actually, I have also increased my water intake overall (increased water = increased trips to bathroom = increased exercise!). I also walked a bit more than usual, and not just to the washroom. Now I wasn’t necessarily “exercising”, but still more active than in the past. As mentioned I only had two half glasses of pop this week which is really down from the 2 or more full glasses a day I would normally have. And, Scott and I never ate out once. 

So, as you can see, I did make improvements and did try to lead a healthier lifestyle. Although I did not give it a 100% effort, I did give it a good 70%. And that 70% gave me a weight loss of 6.4 lbs for the week…

Now of course I wonder what would have happened if I’d have given it 100%. Maybe this week, stay tuned… xo


  1. Good for you! Now I'm jealous. I didn't do anything right this week. :-(

    1. That's the wonderful thing about life, there is always tomorrow; well, until there isn't... but then you won't care! :)

      Oh, and don't feel bad about not doing anything right this week. My plan to start this blog and live a healthier life, was supposed to happen January 2014, and then April 2014, and then August 2014, and then, and then...
