Sunday 24 January 2016

This Is Usually The Point I Say Screw It...

Son-of-a-PUP! I bet you can guess what happened... That's right, I gained! I weighed in this morning at exactly 310 which is actually up .6 of a lb. Here's me thinking I did pretty well this week. I changed my morning breakfast to one small package of oatmeal, a banana, and a yogurt. I have been eating more nutritious lunches and suppers too. The only place I think I might have gone wrong is the snacking. When I do have a bit of chocolate or popcorn, it's in the evening. 

So I've gained weight, which is very discouraging and I'm now having cravings, which is also hard to deal with. This is usually the point I say screw it and wave the white flag. I have done it more times than I can count, which is why I now weigh 310 lbs... 

But I'm not throwing in the towel, flag, or anything else... I'm sticking to my guns this time! I'm tired of my knees coming up and hitting my belly when I walk (I only wish I could say I had extra big knees), I'm tired of watching other people dance while I sit and sway in a chair, and I'm SO tired of not looking strangers in the eye because I'm embarrassed! I want ME back! I used to flirt, and dance, and be full of life. I want to be that person again so badly... 

So, new plan for this week: No more snacking after supper. If I feel the need for a chocolate it will have to be in the morning or afternoon. If I want to watch a movie on the weekend and have a little popcorn I will do it in the afternoon too. Plus, I will have to move my arse a little more... This will not be easy, but a must. I'm afraid of things not tucking back where they are supposed to go when I lose the weight! 

I guess next Sunday will be the final weigh-in, which will decide the monthly winner. I already have the bingo I will attend picked out. You better step up your game sweet Husband of mine... You're about to get your ass handed to you! :)

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