Sunday 17 January 2016

Still In The Game...

Well, week two has come to an end and I'm still in this, that's a bit of a miracle to be honest. If you only knew how many times over the years we have filled our fridge with healthier choices only to throw them out after they have gone bad. Actually, this idea of mine of writing a blog was supposed to happen in January 2014, but I had all of that Christmas candy, etc. to eat so I put it off until the candy was gone. Well, I don't know what I was thinking because that was around the time of our trip to Florida, so ok, new date of April 2014. Well, April came and went and to be honest I can't even remember what the excuse was that time. There have been a LOT of excuses the past two years.

Now I'm not saying I'm still not using excuses, but at least they are on a smaller scale now. For instance, I have been sick since Monday. When I get sick with anything other than the flu, I reach for food. You know the saying "feed a cold, starve a fever" (I think it's a rule or something...). No, actually I wasn't THAT bad... sort of... I did have a few more chocolate covered cherries than I should have and I did not get one speck of exercise, other than coughing of course. Oh, and a couple of people told me about this "Skinny Pop" popcorn found in the healthier section of the grocery stores. This popcorn only has something like 39 calories per cup. This sounded great to me so I asked Scott to pick me up a bag. I was skeptical, but it turned out to be really good. So good in fact, I ate the whole big bag in two sittings. OOPSY! Another lesson learned, measure some out in a bowl, and leave the bag in the kitchen! 

Oh, and I did try another recommendation which is supposed to be really good for you and boost your metabolism. I tried drinking a glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it. I don't think I've made so many awful faces since I was a child getting yucky medicine shoved down my throat! It's truly horrid! I've gone back to my morning mug of OJ; however, when I feel better I do plan on trying it again, but this time adding a teaspoon of honey to it. Something has to make it work; I have 5 1/2 large lemons in the house right now... 

After the week I put in, I do feel as though I did ok. I have tried a few different things, learned a couple lessons and I weighed in this morning at 309.4. I am down 3.4 lbs this week and 9.8 lbs total. I wish I could say I was feeling a difference but I'm not. I know I will soon though, and I can't wait to tell you all about it! 

Have a great week everyone! xo

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