Sunday 31 January 2016

And the Winner Is...

You know, when I started this blog, it was with the belief I needed to be accountable to others and to have others behind me, cheering me on (I am a Leo after all!). At the time I felt it would be a necessary part of my weight loss journey; however, now I am happy to say that is not the case. Don't get me wrong, I still love the cheering and knowing people are rooting for me, and it does help and makes me feel good, but I no longer feel it is necessary for my success. I have gone beyond the need for it... I am proud of myself and have a real desire to continue with the positive changes in my life. Look at me, growing up into a mature adult (well, in some ways...). With this in mind, I have been considering changing the frequency of my blogs to monthly instead of weekly, I will have a think on it and decide before next Sunday.

Perhaps because today was the weigh in for the month (and I done did good), or perhaps I am just dreaming of warmer temperatures, but I started thinking about an item on my bucket list. I have always dreamed of going to a water park. The majority of my life I have been overweight and would not dream of stepping foot in a water park. Can you imagine being told you could not go on a ride/slide because you were too heavy? Or worse, getting stuck in one of those tube like slides and having to be rescued... No WAY, not this girl! So, I figure the summer of 2017 I will be crossing off one item from my bucket list... Now I just have to figure out which water park I will visit. I want it to be a big one, and well worth the wait! Any recommendations?

Well, as mentioned above, "I done did good" this week. Despite still struggling a bit with my health, not exercising yet, and having chinese food three nights this week (one combo plate stretched out), I managed to lose another 1.8 lbs, for a total of exactly 11 lbs for the month and 3.45% of my body weight. If you read my first blog you know that my Husband, Scott and I have a contest going on, and I am VERY pleased to announce... I won this month! Not only did I win a trip to bingo, I plan on making it count by attending a bingo fundraiser for a 9 year old boy fighting Leukemia. If you wish to make a donation or attend this fundraiser yourself, see here:

Thank you to every one of you who takes the time to read my blog and to those of you cheering me on, silently or otherwise!

I hope the week ahead brings much love, laughter and joy to you and yours! xo

Sunday 24 January 2016

This Is Usually The Point I Say Screw It...

Son-of-a-PUP! I bet you can guess what happened... That's right, I gained! I weighed in this morning at exactly 310 which is actually up .6 of a lb. Here's me thinking I did pretty well this week. I changed my morning breakfast to one small package of oatmeal, a banana, and a yogurt. I have been eating more nutritious lunches and suppers too. The only place I think I might have gone wrong is the snacking. When I do have a bit of chocolate or popcorn, it's in the evening. 

So I've gained weight, which is very discouraging and I'm now having cravings, which is also hard to deal with. This is usually the point I say screw it and wave the white flag. I have done it more times than I can count, which is why I now weigh 310 lbs... 

But I'm not throwing in the towel, flag, or anything else... I'm sticking to my guns this time! I'm tired of my knees coming up and hitting my belly when I walk (I only wish I could say I had extra big knees), I'm tired of watching other people dance while I sit and sway in a chair, and I'm SO tired of not looking strangers in the eye because I'm embarrassed! I want ME back! I used to flirt, and dance, and be full of life. I want to be that person again so badly... 

So, new plan for this week: No more snacking after supper. If I feel the need for a chocolate it will have to be in the morning or afternoon. If I want to watch a movie on the weekend and have a little popcorn I will do it in the afternoon too. Plus, I will have to move my arse a little more... This will not be easy, but a must. I'm afraid of things not tucking back where they are supposed to go when I lose the weight! 

I guess next Sunday will be the final weigh-in, which will decide the monthly winner. I already have the bingo I will attend picked out. You better step up your game sweet Husband of mine... You're about to get your ass handed to you! :)

Sunday 17 January 2016

Still In The Game...

Well, week two has come to an end and I'm still in this, that's a bit of a miracle to be honest. If you only knew how many times over the years we have filled our fridge with healthier choices only to throw them out after they have gone bad. Actually, this idea of mine of writing a blog was supposed to happen in January 2014, but I had all of that Christmas candy, etc. to eat so I put it off until the candy was gone. Well, I don't know what I was thinking because that was around the time of our trip to Florida, so ok, new date of April 2014. Well, April came and went and to be honest I can't even remember what the excuse was that time. There have been a LOT of excuses the past two years.

Now I'm not saying I'm still not using excuses, but at least they are on a smaller scale now. For instance, I have been sick since Monday. When I get sick with anything other than the flu, I reach for food. You know the saying "feed a cold, starve a fever" (I think it's a rule or something...). No, actually I wasn't THAT bad... sort of... I did have a few more chocolate covered cherries than I should have and I did not get one speck of exercise, other than coughing of course. Oh, and a couple of people told me about this "Skinny Pop" popcorn found in the healthier section of the grocery stores. This popcorn only has something like 39 calories per cup. This sounded great to me so I asked Scott to pick me up a bag. I was skeptical, but it turned out to be really good. So good in fact, I ate the whole big bag in two sittings. OOPSY! Another lesson learned, measure some out in a bowl, and leave the bag in the kitchen! 

Oh, and I did try another recommendation which is supposed to be really good for you and boost your metabolism. I tried drinking a glass of warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it. I don't think I've made so many awful faces since I was a child getting yucky medicine shoved down my throat! It's truly horrid! I've gone back to my morning mug of OJ; however, when I feel better I do plan on trying it again, but this time adding a teaspoon of honey to it. Something has to make it work; I have 5 1/2 large lemons in the house right now... 

After the week I put in, I do feel as though I did ok. I have tried a few different things, learned a couple lessons and I weighed in this morning at 309.4. I am down 3.4 lbs this week and 9.8 lbs total. I wish I could say I was feeling a difference but I'm not. I know I will soon though, and I can't wait to tell you all about it! 

Have a great week everyone! xo

Sunday 10 January 2016

Margarine and I, Are No Longer Friends…

One of the not so great things about trying to live a healthier life, is learning how UNhealthy it was in the past!

So Monday and Tuesday were particularly stressful days for me. Of course when I’m stressed, I reach for food. Not “good for you” foods of course, but the naughty kind that live forever on your arse... So, keeping in mind I am trying to live a healthier life and be kind to my body, I reached for my new microwave popcorn popper. The popcorn is air popped and I figured a little margarine without salt would make an ok substitute for something really bad for me. So when I’m ready to add the margarine I grab a knife and take two chunks of margarine out of the tub. The chunks are about the size of regular rectangle ice cubes. We buy the Lactantia margarine, which is supposed to be heart healthy, etc… So in my way of thinking, must be low in calories. That thought stayed with me until I was lying in bed and got to thinking about it. It bothered me so much I got up to check on the calories in the margarine. Needless to say, I was shocked! There were 70 calories in a TEASPOON of that margarine. Do you know how many teaspoons are in a chunk? A LOT! Talk about blowing a day (or two) of healthy living… UGH!!!!! Myself and margarine, are really no longer on speaking terms. Now I have to find something else to give my popcorn some flavour.

Now I would like to say that was my only “oopsy” moment, but it wasn’t. On three separate occasions I thoroughly savoured a chocolate covered cherry. Did you know you can get three bites out of a single chocolate cherry? I also had two half glasses of pop. Oh, and one night I came home from work and Scott had cooked a frozen pepperoni pizza... and then proceeded to add bacon and extra cheese to it. LOL

Ok, those were the wrongs, but I did do some things right too. That pizza I mentioned, I only had one piece instead of the two I would always have. Plus, I did not have pop with it and instead chose water. Actually, I have also increased my water intake overall (increased water = increased trips to bathroom = increased exercise!). I also walked a bit more than usual, and not just to the washroom. Now I wasn’t necessarily “exercising”, but still more active than in the past. As mentioned I only had two half glasses of pop this week which is really down from the 2 or more full glasses a day I would normally have. And, Scott and I never ate out once. 

So, as you can see, I did make improvements and did try to lead a healthier lifestyle. Although I did not give it a 100% effort, I did give it a good 70%. And that 70% gave me a weight loss of 6.4 lbs for the week…

Now of course I wonder what would have happened if I’d have given it 100%. Maybe this week, stay tuned… xo

Sunday 3 January 2016

I’m A Fat Hot Mess On A Mission...

Even typing the word “mission” tires me; however, it is do or die time, and I mean that literally!

I have been tracking my weight for years now. I have not one sweet freaking clue why I do it… Actually I think I do know why. I think, despite the fact that I don’t exercise and I eat whatever I want, that I will magically lose weight and become healthy without lifting a finger to do it. Ah, ever the dreamer am I! Now tonight when I stepped on the scale, (after it made the usual cracking noise), I weighed in at 319.2 lbs. Ok, pick your jaws up off the floor… I know right, what a ridiculously high number! So, you can see why my life needs to change.

Actually to be honest, it’s not even the number that bothers me. It’s the not being able to walk a block without having pain in my lower back and gasping for air like I’ve run 10 blocks, uphill all the way. I’ve never in my life been this out of shape. It scares me, a lot!

And the embarrassment… Even those of you who know me very well don’t believe I’m shy; but I am, I’m very shy! I just don’t let it show and I don’t let it win. So imagine being extremely shy and adding extremely fat to it. Yeah, not a fun combination! I’m not very social anymore and tend to hide away. If I do go out, the whole time I am consumed with trying not to be noticed.

It’s also the shame of it. I cannot describe how deeply ashamed of myself I am! I let this happen. Despite having lost 100 lbs about 12 yrs ago because I was way overweight, and promising Mom and myself I would never go back to this again… I did, and then some! 

So, starting immediately, this is what I’m going to do. I am going to start eating right and moving my arse! Then once a week, likely on Sunday evenings, I will write a little blog on how lucky someone is I didn’t kill them during the week. Just kidding… sort of… :) Actually, I will write about how I am doing, my challenges, or whatever strikes my fancy at that time.

Now here’s the fun part. Scott, my husband, is also going to get healthier with me, and we have a bet! We will check in at the end of every month and whoever loses the highest percentage of weight wins. If I win, it’s a trip to bingo for me (I love bingo but am lucky to get there once a year), and if he wins, he gets the money and I stay home. At the end of the year, if financials allow, the overall winner will get a Canon EF 70 - 200, F2.8 zoom lens. This lens would (I mean WILL) allow me to get fantastic action shots, which I have recently discovered is my favourite thing to photograph.

Please cheer us on everyone! This will definitely be a tough road for us but we know it must be done. We are very much looking forward to becoming the healthier and happier versions of ourselves we once were.

Stay tuned…