Sunday 29 May 2016

Volunteer Trainer Wanted....

That's right, I'm pretty sure I need a trainer to get things tucked back where they need to be; however, due to lack of funds, this is not a possibility unless someone volunteers their services... any takers? I promise to only bitch and moan every other sentence and do as I'm told maybe half of the time. I'll probably hurt myself more often than not and need to take a break for healing, so you wouldn't have to put up with me all that often. Oh, and I prefer a male trainer and you have to have a body to prove you know what the hell you're doing! And one last thing, I'll cooperate better if you give me a treat at the end... I like candy... just sayin'! :)

Ahhhh candy.... how I love thee! This week I took a craving for chocolate that almost brought me to my knees! Thankfully a co-worker rescued me with some... it was heaven on earth!!! Why is it I never feel that way about carrots? Speaking of vegetables and candy, I've had more of the latter than the former lately. Hubby and I have gotten off track a bit I think... We stopped cooking the big Sunday meals to eat through the week and we have been lazy about exercising too. We still get a bit of fruit into us but are really lacking on veggies and I think... no, I know, it's been affecting our weight loss attempt. Especially Hubby, he never started really losing weight until he changed his eating habits to include more veggies. We gotta jump back on the veggie train! 

Now despite the lack of veggies and the addition of candy, I did still manage to lose 1.2 lbs this week and I am also proud to say I won the monthly bet of $40.00... GO ME! I have lost 1.37% of my body weight this month. The number is still going in the right direction... PHEW!

Ok, yes, I am going in the right direction but I'm really not so proud of myself lately because I know I can do better! I need to exercise, at least get out walking. I do have an excuse though; I'm always just too damn tired. Now here's what there is no excuse for... not going to bed early. Every night I give myself the same song and dance of how I'm going to go to bed early, and I never ever do and so every day I'm dragging my ass until after supper. And then do you know what happens? I get a second wind and suddenly I'm awake and feeling fine... just about the time I'm supposed to head for bed! I really do everything backwards... :) 

Speaking of bed... It's now heading for 11:30pm and the alarm will go off around 5:00am'ish. I'm one of those people who needs at least 8 hours, so already I'm up the creek tomorrow without a paddle! Are you seeing how this unfolds? Maybe Tuesday night I'll get to bed early... Stay tuned! 

G-night everyone! When you hit the sheets may you always sleep deep and dream sweet! xo 

Sunday 22 May 2016

Anyone Need A Boost?

Lets talk about boosting each other up, and I'm not just talking about women, I mean everyone... 

This week several people commented on my weight loss and how wonderful I look. One person in particular went out of her way to sincerely compliment and encourage me, and it meant so much to me! It actually still makes me feel good to think about it. When you think about it, if giving someone a compliment can make them feel good inside days afterward, that is true power! So the next time you see someone who looks good in an outfit, or you like their hair, or anything that jumps out at you... compliment them. You will likely add a giant boost to their day! Think about how you feel receiving a compliment...  so do unto others...

Ok, I'm climbing off my soapbox now. :) 

Speaking of climbing... I climbed on the scales this morning, and guess what??? I DID IT! I finally climbed over that 30 lb weight loss goal. PHEW! I lost 1.6 lbs this week and I weighed in this morning at exactly 289 lbs. I can't even think of what my next goal is right now... maybe losing 40 lbs? Is that too small of a goal do you think? Maybe it should be 50 lbs... Oh, that's half a hundred, I like that! Ok, next goal is down 50 lbs. I'm thinking by the end of August maybe... I plan on adding walking really soon to the mix so that should help! My exercising still has not been what it needs to be. I also need to tone and I've been told if you do things wrong, you are doing them for nothing so I may need to see a real fitness trainer to get tips... :) 

You know, it's funny how the mind works... I am still a very large person but when I look in the mirror now, I see I'm getting my good curves back and every once in awhile I think "Oh yeahhhh, I look good!" Now reality is, I don't really... and deep down I know that, but I sure can trick myself into thinking it now and then! I figure when I really get down several sizes I'm going to be so full of myself it'll be sickening! Like one of those people who have to dance in front of mirrors so they can watch themselves... (Oh yes, they walk among us...) :) 

Well, thankfully it's Sunday, which is my day to cheat if I wish, and I have a bowl full of lobster dip waiting for me so I'm going to stop typing and start munching! Thank you for coming along with me on this ride... Stay tuned to see how quickly I can reach that 50 lb loss (and if exercising kicks things into high gear). Maybe that 20 lbs could come off by the end of July... GO ME! 

Sunday 15 May 2016

Pleasantly Surprised...

Well, well well... I can't quite believe it! This week was a rough one when it came to dieting. I admit it, I did not behave myself. I was exhausted from traveling and not in the least in the mood to cook this week (or ever because I hate cooking)... and so I didn't. I had leftovers several days, but only one of those meals was made at home, and welllll, that was a pizza.

So maybe it's a case of good things happening to good people (stop laughing!), but I still lost 3.6 lbs this week and am once again only 1.4 lbs away from that 30 lb goal! I'm actually NOT going to say "I've got this!" or "I can do this!" or "That's no problem!" because I've said similar at least twice, if not three times, and I still haven't reached that stupid 30 lb mark yet. The only thing I'm going to say this week, is I'm sure going to try! :)

As I've mentioned before in my blogs, I need something to look forward to, and it helps with my goals. So if you read my post last week you will know I went to the first of two weddings we are invited to this spring and I wore a dress I would never have imagined wearing before. I was quite pleased with myself, or at least I was until I saw the pictures! OMG, I was all boob and back fat... Why aren't those two areas decreasing in size? I think the fat from my arms moved over to my boobs or something! I know the weight is dropping but it more or less looks like the fat is just moving to different areas... SIGH! To be honest, I plan on wearing the same dress to the next wedding in July too (we will be the only people at both weddings so I can get away with it). Hopefully I will see a change in the pictures from this past weekend... Or maybe I need one of those spanks for the top part of me; can you even buy those? We'll see what happens, but I have a month and a half or so to make a difference.

Now not only do I have the second wedding to focus on, it looks as though we are also taking a trip in about nine months time. We have put a deposit down on a cruise... YIKES!!! Now this cruise has a 10  story slide that I'd reallllly like to try, despite being scared of heights (oh, I am most definitely crazy).... It's a tube like slide and looks like it's geared towards more of a 100 lb person than someone of my, ummm... generous porportions! :D I must check and see if there is a weight or size limit on this thing... Here is what Royal Caribbean International says about it:

"The Ultimate Abyss is more than 150 feet above sea level and offers side-by-side slides that send guests down 10 decks at a rate of 9 miles per hour.

Launching onto the ride from a glass platform, guests can take one last look at the Boardwalk 10 decks below before climbing onto a customized mat and taking the plunge into the depths of the daunting slides. Spontaneous audio effects within each tunnel create a multi-sensory thrill for daring guests willing to test their mettle while traversing 216 feet through the one-of-a-kind slide duo. The Ultimate Abyss is made up of two separate cylinders, a reflection of one-another, each with a diameter of approximately 2.6 feet and constructed of stainless steel."

Surely stainless steel will hold me... :)  i guess we'll see how much weight I can lose in nine months! 
Stay tuned... :)

Monday 9 May 2016

Have You Ever Had A Steak & Shake Sundae?

I think in my last blog I mentioned something about trying to make healthy choices on vacation... Yeah, so that went to hell in a handbag! Well, mostly it did... I did have vegetables instead of fries a few times (I am including a baked potato fully loaded when I say a "few" though.... ). I can't deny I used our vacation as an excuse to eat whatever I pleased, it really was a free for all.... and it was SO much fun! :) 

Unfortunately "fun" can't last forever, as the scales showed me this morning.... I'm not surprised, but sad to say I gained 2.4 lbs on our trip to Florida. Although, if you've ever had a chocolate covered strawberry sundae at Steak & Shake, you would understand the gain... it's SO heavenly! Oh, and there was nothing I didn't love at Cracker Barrel (one of our favourite spots), and we really loved the Longhorn Steakhouse too! We ate at restaurants almost the entire trip and enjoyed every minute of it! Just thinking about it makes me realize I don't really regret the 2.4 lbs. I will get that back off pretty quickly with some really hard work this week (she says with a super cocky attitude... ;) )

Speaking of "cocky attitudes".... So the first leg of our trip was spent in the Hammock Bay Beach Resort on the Palm Coast of Florida. My Hubby and I declared ourselves the "hillbillies" of the resort and talked about how, if we let them, other guests at the resort would make us feel as though we were "less than".... Holy moly there was a lot of hoity toity'ness going around! On the last day when we were leaving, I realized I never saw another overweight person in the whole place. Maybe I should have known because it is, in part, a golfing resort; however, it did not occur to me. But it was definitely not the place to be to feel good about oneself if you're carrying anything around your middle, or chin, or butt, or thighs, or or or... Now carrying a stick up your arse; well now, that's a different story! ;) 

So this week (what's left of it), will be spent getting back on track! Hopefully we'll get at least one aqua session in and a bit of other exercise. Plus, it will be goodbye to high calorie foods and hello to fruits and veggies again! I don't think I had one piece of fruit the entire time I was down there.... I actually do miss my fruit. I have oranges and bananas waiting for my lunches this week. I wanted grapes because they are my favourite, but at $4.99 a lb, they could rot on the shelf!!! We passed an older couple in the grocery store today and the husband said to his wife, "Let's go look at the lettuce and see if we need to mortgage our house to buy it!" He was a spunky old fella, and not too far off either...

So let's see if I can get my crap together and get this extra weight back off, and maybe even a little extra. Reaching this 30 lb mark is being a bit of a bitch to do... GRRRR!

Stay tuned.... 

Sunday 1 May 2016

Son Of A... Pup!

Well, I have no one to blame but myself! Last night I went to a house warming party with tons of food and I didnt choose wisely. Plus, we haven't been eating as many vegetables and have been having "quick" fixes for meals lately because it seems we're always on the go. However, this always adds up to no good... and by "no good," I mean a pound, which is what I gained this week! UGH!!!! Of course this means I didn't reach my goal of a 30 lb loss... for the second week in a row! What makes it worse; it should have been fairly easy (2.2 lbs to lose), especially in two weeks! UGH!!! Frankly, I'm disgusted, and if I could, I'd kick myself right in the arse! 

I'd like to think it's muscle, but I don't think so this week. We did go to aqua fit class on Tuesday night, and did I ever work by butt off (instructor said about 4000 steps in 45 minutes), but that was really all the exercise I got in this week. Well, except part of my morning routine in the bathroom is taking my Hubby's can of shaving foam and using it as a weight to try and get rid of some of my bingo wings. I should probably switch to actual weights... I have a feeling the shaving foam is a little too light to be effective. :)

Tip for aqua fit class: Make sure you're wearing a one-piece bathing suit, or at least a bathing suit that fits snuggly with no flowing parts. I have a two-piece and I spent as much time trying to keep my bottoms up and my top down as I did exercising! I felt bad for the instructor; she had an above pool view... YIKES!

So today my Hubby and I went through totes of clothing that had been too small and packed away. Although I didn't rub it in (until now when he reads this...), I was right by not throwing all of my smaller clothing away as I grew in size. Ahhhh, I love being right! ;) 

So there I was today, going through these totes and making a massive pile of clothing I think will now fit me. Then I started trying stuff on, and I don't know what I was thinking, I must have been on glue! It was very disappointing to put quite a bit of the clothing back into a tote (not all of it, but most of it). However, that tote is now marked as, "close"... :)

Speaking of "close", I thought it was going to be a close race this week for the end of the month weigh-in between me and my better half. However, I am happy to say I ran away with the money... GO ME! I lost 5.6 lbs this month in total and he didn't do as well. I think there will be more veggies in our future... Except for maybe this week coming because we are on vacation. I'm still going to try and make smart decisions but it IS a vacation after all.

Stay tuned to see if, or how much, my vacation affects my weigh-in next Sunday. Maybe I will be extra active and will actually lose weight...  Have I mentioned I'm a dreamer? :)