Sunday 28 February 2016

There's Good News and There's Bad'ish News...

Excuse me while I do a victory dance! I just walked to the store and nothing hurt... no pain at all! Now normally I would drive to the store, which is really quite bad because it's literally across the street, but I wanted some air tonight so off I went. The last one or two times I have tried this, various parts of my body actually hurt, but not this time! Oh, and on Friday, I went for a 45 minute walk around the Dalhousie Campus before work with no problem at all. It's amazing that losing so little weight can make such a big difference! 

Now that's the good news; well, great news actually... The bad'ish news, I didn't get below 300 this week... BUT, I am a little closer! I lost 2.2 lbs this week (a real miracle considering the pizza, donair  & cheesecake I ate) bringing me in at 302.4 lbs. Now this is SO doable for next week. Not only will I get below that 300, I will also be able to say I've lost over 20 lbs... Mark my words, it's coming next week! 

Speaking of up & coming events... I have two weddings to attend in the next five months and I am SUPER excited about this! I want to buy a new, and smaller sized, dress for the wedding in May, and then I want to have to buy ANOTHER new and even SMALLER sized dress for the one in July! Now if I am honest, I do have dresses that I could probably wear comfortably in my closet from when I was a bit smaller (I never got rid of a single piece of clothing), but that would be no fun at all! I think I deserve to spend a little bit. Maybe I can find a sale, because if I have anything to say about it, they won't fit me for long... :) 

Oh, I almost forgot... It was the end of the month weigh in today, and I was once again victorious! My Hubby is losing but it's coming off much slower than mine. I told him, just be happy the number is going in the right direction because that's really all that matters! 

Sunday 21 February 2016

Does Anyone Want To Buy Me A Facelift?

Over the years many people have told me how well I have aged, how young I look. YAY me right? Well no, not really... Sure, it's nice to hear, but I know the reason why I look young, it's because I'm overweight. When your overweight your skin stretches and therefore less wrinkles. Now I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but I looked in the mirror this morning and I suddenly see a ventriloquist doll. You know the look I mean, with the lines running down each side of the mouth. I swear someone could shove their hand up my back and make me say anything they want! This scares me... Of course losing weight and becoming healthy is my main goal but I surely hate the fact I may look old and haggard when I'm done! I know a woman who lost about a hundred pounds many years ago. She is now around 55 yrs old, and when she is thinking about something and purses her lips, her mouth is so wrinkly, it looks like a butt hole! This is NOT the look I'm going for!!!! So when I stood looking at myself in the mirror this morning I pushed back the skin on my face, and HOLY SMOKES, it took 20 yrs off! I never thought much of having a facelift, thought people who did such things must surely be vain, but I think I may have to change my tune. I don't want to look like a ventriloquist doll, not even a little bit. So, if someone has several thousand kicking around they want to throw my way after the weight is gone, I wouldn't say no to a little nip & tuck! :) 

Speaking of nipping & tucking... I nipped and tucked a little too much food the past week. In my defence (not that I need one), it was Valentines Day on Sunday and I had the day off on Monday so I did indulge more than I should have. I've also been feeling particularly stressed (common theme with me) and that is not helping either. However, after all is said and done, I did somehow (and I have not one sweet clue how...) manage to lose 1 lb this week. I now weigh in at 304.6 lbs. 

I'm getting close, so close to being able to say I no longer weigh over 300 lbs. That is my current goal, to get below that 300 mark. I'm guessing it's been about 7 yrs since I've weighed less than 300 and I will be SO excited when that scale shows 299 or less! You know, I once had to have a bone density test done but when I got there they wouldn't put me on the table because I was too heavy for it. They told me the table would only hold 300 lbs. I was SO embarrassed! They ended up sitting me on a chair and laying my arm across the table to get the scan and said it was the best they could do. Well, if I need another of those tests in the near future, I'll be able to get up on that table and I'll be wearing a big toothy grin! They're going to wonder why I seem so happy to be having a bone density test... :) 

Well folks, that is it for this week. I hope the week ahead is good to you and full of love, laughter and fun! 

Stay tuned next Sunday to see if I make it below the 300's....

Monday 15 February 2016

Long Time - Little Change

Every week I am pleased with my progress, but when I look at the big picture... not so much! I lost an even 2 lbs this week. From 319.2 I am now down to 305.6 lbs. It feels as though we've been at this for awhile now and it just doesn't seem like a big enough drop in the number. I really REALLY don't want to get discouraged so I'm trying to focus on one day at a time and that does seem to work. Looking ahead... SO dangerous! 

So losing 2 lbs this week was a bit of a miracle considering we went out Friday evening to supper and a movie. Supper consisted of wings, potato skins and a coke. It was good, but not as good as I was expecting it to be (I haven't had a meal like that, or pop, in a long time). We then went to a movie where I had a small popcorn and another coke. OMG the calories... plus the wings and skins leftovers came home with me for Saturday's supper. 

Little side note about the movie; it was "Dirty Grandpa". If you mind a little raunchiness or cursing, do NOT go see this movie. However, if you don't mind that stuff, it is funny. Although, I was with a friend who did mind the raunchiness and cursing and I think a big part of my enjoyment was watching her reaction. About a quarter of the way into the movie she whispered to me, "I hate you!". Naturally I laughed even more... :) 

Back to dieting... Still not exercising but I am more active just by being a little less lazy during the day. I know I have to start moving soon because I don't want anything hanging when I lose this weight! I want stuff firm and where it belongs! It's bad enough boobs are out of control most of the time; I don't want anything else being a danger to myself or others! :) 

Well, my first beef stew is in the slow cooker for tonight's supper. If it's any good, there will be leftovers for awhile too. Should be a hearty and healthy meal if it turns out ok. Fingers crossed... 

If I can remember, I will tell you how it turned out. Stay tuned... 

Sunday 7 February 2016

Eight Sausage, Eight Strips of Bacon, A Brownie, Whipped Cream, Cheesecake, etc...

You know the saying, absence makes the heart grow fonder? Well, that also applies to sausage... Seriously, it really does!  

I was a good girl from Monday to Friday afternoon, and then we went to White Point for the weekend. Now I didn't go crazy. I did not have any pop or snacks of any kind. However, I did indulge in the breakfast buffet, both mornings. I can't describe to you how good that first bite of sausage was! Well, sex and chocolate... BLECH in comparison! Of course there might have also been a dessert, or two... Overall though, I think I did alright! We stayed really busy doing photography and I think that helped work off the excess calories. 

The most exciting part of the past week, was seeing a bit of a difference in clothing! I tried on a fleece top I had not been able to wear in the past while and it now fits perfect with just a little bit of give in the front. Plus, I wore a t-shirt on Friday that was tight to the body but now has a little bit of give to it too. I was thrilled! 

I was waiting for this, for there to be a noticeable difference. Although I don't feel I need this boost to keep going, it sure is nice to actually see the results of the changes in my life! I can't even begin to imagine walking into any store and fitting into the clothing they have on the racks. I have been buying from one store for so many years; I don't think I will even know how to shop any other way. How does a person 100 lbs smaller than me have any money when she can shop everywhere for clothing??? I sense a problem in my future... a good one, but potentially a problem nonetheless! :)

As far as weight loss this week goes, I still lost weight, GO ME! I did sneak a peek on Friday morning to see how it looked, and I was down 2.8 lbs. I was very pleased but knew it would not look that good today when I weighed in, and I was right When I got home today I only had a weight loss for the week of .6 of a lb. However, that was in the afternoon and I had already had that big buffet breakfast this morning. So, in my opinion, it wasn't a fair weigh-in and I'm not taking it too much to heart. Plus, a loss is still great no matter how much it is! 

Now this week coming should be a better week, and I may even go out and play in the snow again! Stay tuned... :)