Sunday 10 July 2016

The End....

Well this is it, the last "Hurrah!" I've decided writing this post has become a chore to me. I absolutely love writing, but this doesn't make me happy. I thought perhaps writing a blog would keep me on track, keep me motivated... and to some extent it did help. However, when I looked back on the weight loss for the past six weeks, I have actually gained one pound... Not exactly what I'd call performance! This needs to be less about you motivating me and more about me taking responsibility for my own actions. 

This needs to be a life long change, and I am not about to write this blog forever, so this is the end my friends... I will update on Facebook now and then and I am sure my Hubby will share my updates with his friends as well. You never know, I may also add to this blog every now and then if the mood strikes and I have some big, or little news to share. :)

A HUGE thanks to those who have encouraged and offered advise. It will not be forgotten... <3 

Oh, and one last weight update... I gained .2 of a lb this week. Not bad all things considered! 

Here's to a happy & healthy future for all of us! xo

Sunday 3 July 2016

Set It Free...

You must have heard of the saying, "Set it free, and if it comes back to you, it was meant to be..." Yeah; well, apparently that same dumb ass saying applies to pounds too! Last week I was SO pleased with myself for losing exactly 4 lbs, and would you like to take a wild guess at what I gained this week? Yup, exactly 4 friggin' pounds! Lately this feels like a dance... Off one week, and back on the next! Not that it's anyone's fault but my own of course... 

Remember that lobster I was trying to decide what to do with last week? Well, I turned it into a lobster dip, and I'm the only one who eats lobster in this house... so I ate it all. Of course with dip comes chips, and I kind of ate all of them too... To be honest, last week was a complete crap show from the very start! I had nachos two nights (one being leftovers), and I ate at Midtown Tavern before the Tattoo Thursday night, and on Friday I had a big ice-cream cone, last night I had cotton candy... and the list goes on... and on... Now I truly can't say I regret the dip & chips because I won't see lobster again for at least six months. However, I could have done without the rest. I especially could have done without the night spent on the couch last night with severe heartburn due to leftover nachos and cotton candy...  Payback really IS a bitch! :(

Like I said earlier, I seem to be hovering up and down in the same spot. It all comes down to lack of energy and will power. I felt like things were turning around last week and when I got weighed I was so excited and revved up again when I had lost 4 lbs. I wish I could have bottled that feeling and been able to take it out when faced with choices I shouldn't have made!!! It bums me out that I feel like crap today because I lost all that ground... makes me want to throw in the towel... but I won't! 

I told Hubby today that we need to start walking this week in the evenings. He has been bouncing too and I don't think is feeling really great about himself either. Unfortunately neither of us is strong willed and I admit to being the one to usually drag him down with me... 

You know what, if reading this is bumming you out as much as it's bumming me out writing it, I apologize! I think I need to change the blog up a bit. It's boring! I will either end it, or find a way to enjoy writing it again... Stay tuned!